Sunday, February 21, 2010

playing catch up

It's been nearly three weeks since my last entry - they've been busy weeks (compared to my standard that is) hence my tardiness.

Our little family travelled to Calgary to celebrate Kate's first birthday in her birth home. We had a great time and a lovely party with all our friends. Thanks so much everyone - it meant tons to us that you and your little kidlets could make it.

I had the chance to catch up with a pile of friends - I miss you friends. Cody, well he went on a man date and fell in love with Pandora. Kate, she had lots of time with Grandma and Grandpa, friends and got to check out her cousin Autumn's great new house.

Kate opening gifts with Pappa and Eriq.


Kate, a new laptop and her tongue hanging out as usual.

Me, Carolyn and a very pregnant Steph (Kate's birthday was actually her due date).


An exhausted birthday girl taking refuge on Craig's safe lap.

A beautiful day in the mountains with Grandma and cool Kate.

Our girl.

Saying hi to Autumn, Andrew and of course Libbey.

Heading home.

The day of our return, my sister and nephew Aidan flew in for a little visit. We had a lovely time. Thank goodness for all the snow in our yard to keep Aidan busy because as we learned there aren't many other attractions open in the Moncton area in February. Kate adores her cousin and wants whatever he touches. Unfortunately she is in a playing strange phase with adults and didn't really warm up to Aunty until the second last day of their visit. Favorite highlights: Aidan's Whistler luge track that Uncle built in the backyard (he must have gone down it over a hundred times). Another: eating some pretty smelly cheese and pate yesterday with Rhonda then Aidan coming in the room asking what was wrong with the air and making like he couldn't catch his breath.

Fantastic New Brunswick snow.

Aunty Rhonda.

Aidan and his new friend Frosty.

Thanks so much for making the effort to come - we miss you already.

Monday, February 1, 2010

my e.i. has ended which can only mean one thing

Today is actually the one year anniversary of my maternity leave. I would be lying if I didn't admit a part of me would like to be going back to work. Just shy of her first birthday little Miss Kate has been very bossy and cranky lately. I'm pretty sure her teeth have her in an overall bad mood - she just takes out those moods on yours truly.

This weekend we were in PEI for Cody's slightly belated birthday celebration and Kate's slightly early celebration. Kate got to hang out with her cousins, Grandma and Aunt, unfortunately we did not see Uncle Paul although there was a rumor that he did sleep under the same roof as us. We had a lovely time and loads of cake. Thanks so much to Grammie and Aunty Candy for the party.

The Champions got Kate a great wagon, unfortunately Kate wasn't as easy going as her cousins in it.

Kate really taking in the sentiments of Aunty's birthday card to her.

A new phone from Grandma Donna! One that Pappa can record messages to Kate on.

Kate doing her best to get to the good stuff.

A huge photo book from her Pappa all on dogs. Unfortunately the closest Kate will ever get to actually having one.

Our birthday girl.
Th kiddies relaxing before dinner and cake(s).

Is she excited or evil?

And no one forgot about Cody.

Here goes.

Carter too.

Lydia is full steam ahead.

Cody is too.

Aunty is just finishing. Somehow Grandma Donna and I escaped this round of mastication photos.

I think messiest face went to Lydia, although both girls went straight to the bath after dessert.

Two more sleeps and one Guns and Roses concert until we arrive in Calgary. I'm sending good thoughts out to the Universe in the hopes that Kate will be patient in the air and that Axel Rose will show. See many of you soon. xox AJ