Wednesday, February 27, 2013

get back here

Grampie and Grammie Janice were in town this weekend and so there were lots of cuddles, craziness and a little, actually quite a bit of blood. With the exception of the blood the kids had a great time relishing the attention. And it would be safe to say that they're missing their grandparents this evening. In Kate's words, "Why did Grammie Janice make Grampie go home? They should get back here."

You are missed.
xoxo Kate & Elliott

Saturday, February 23, 2013

yo ho ho

My parents sent the kids each some money for Valentine's. Usually I make them put it into their piggy banks and then annually contribute it into their RESP, buuuut, this time I let them blow it. So today off to the dollar store we went. What little shoppers in training. Kate, my love, I was so proud, forwent all the toys and junk and chose to purchase three bunches of fairly good replica, purple flowers. Oh, and two tiaras. Two because they came in gold and silver. Again, Kate, I'm the same, if something really works, get it in every colour. Elliott on the other hand chose a pirate costume kit and a digger. And what a pirate he is. I had to share... this kid kills us.

Like piracy, it's violent. For the record I did stop the video in order to chat about his actions. Enjoy!

Looks like a sad pirate but I assure you he was a fairly Jolly Roger.

TGIF ya Land Lubbers.
xoxo CAKE

Thursday, February 21, 2013

kate creates

I know I have been lax about blogging lately, but in my defence, since the last snow storm that I blogged about we have had two more. In other words we have been holed-up in the house and I officially have no inspiration left in my body. What I do have, is a few of Kate's latest creations to share with you.

Creation #1 - Dead Dog
Medium - Black PlayDoh
In the Words of the Artist - "That dog is dead. It was run over a lot."
The Critics - "It's fresh, dark and brooding. My original reaction was completely visceral."  

The artist at work. Her internal struggle is seen even in her attire: a colourful bikini exposing her tattooed midriff worn on a blustery snow-day. This girl refuses to conform.

The artist's main benefactor: Elliott Nathaniel Jorgensen the first, seen here holding his latest acquisition - Green snake.

Creation #3 - Kate
Medium - Uncoated text & pencil
In the Words of the Artist "I don't need you anymore. I can write my name by myself."
The Critics - "I've never seen anything more beautiful. It nearly brought tears to my eyes." 

Creation #4 - Fancy Lady
Medium - Dull text & blue crayon
In the Words of the Artist "She's a lady with scary feet."
The Critics - "Her artistry is advancing so quickly, observe the lashes, the cheeks, the ear buds, the signs of alcoholism in the nose and those are truly scary feet."

I love you Kate and I love your blossoming academic and artistic sides. 
xoxo Mama aka the Critic 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

24 little hours

Oh the difference a day can make. Saturday, we, like the rest of the Maritimes were under blizzard warnings, and for good reason, it was a mess out there. Sunday was clean up day and then today the sun came out and the kids were smiling. Thank goodness; it's been a mean winter and we have spent very little time out doors.

The best thing about blizzards is that they leave great drifts and good powder. We had a bawl this afternoon as Super heros exploring our super human powers.

Supergirl aka the Fairyduster.

Superboy aka Superman aka the Pirate.

Super heros doing what super heros do best ... flying. As always, please don't judge my parenting "skills" too harshly. A kid has to be a kid.

I hope you had a super day too. Aimee

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

warning - product plug

The kids and I are in a constant home decor battle.  I like whites, turquoises, clean, calm spaces, they as you can imagine, like primary colours smeared in oatmeal and littered with toys and small paper cuttings. For the most part Cody and I have for the last four years embraced the hard moulded plastic appendages that go with kids. Living here in Moncton makes having cool stuff even a little harder. I know, I know- wah, wah wah. A few months ago we splurged on four absolutely beautiful Eames chairs. Problem was, the kids horrible, but very useful boosters were NOT compatible with the chairs. And try as I did to talk them into eating all their meals on their knees, truth was they literally sunk into them and meal times became even tougher. So we hauled back our old, beat up chairs and their tri-coloured boosters and I just sucked it up ... until ... Recently, I was de-cluttering our magazine stores and I flipped through an old parenting pub and saw the cutest, form fitting boosters. And now they are ours. And we love them. In fact, Kate's sitting on hers, on the couch right now. One of the great things about these seats are that they are made by a husband and wife team. Gotta love a cottage industry! - spread the word!

Our Sweet Seats make it even easier to make sweet treats using one of Kate's birthday treasures.

The world is really a better place when filled with all the colours of the rainbow and covered in a Play Doh film.

xoxo AJ

Monday, February 4, 2013

under the sea

She's getting old. We're getting old. Our tiny little baby is four. Well technically she'll be four on Wednesday but the big party was today. We woke to a very snowy morning and I had fears that it was actually going to be a very small party but we had brave guests and a great turnout. Let's start the show.

The only mermaid at this mermaid themed birthday.

The whole cast.

Under the sea.

The classic decor shot.

Our first party game: Fishing for treasure.

Looks like Lydia reeled in a big one.

The kids diving into their peanut butter and jellyfish sandwiches.

Baby Lydia and her million dollar smile.

A very excited Ruby and her funny face.

Thar she blows. A few more candles lit than four but what the heck.

The first time was so much fun let's do it again.

 Baby Morgan putting on miles.

Nolan the drummer boy.

Reese hard at work.

 Our party girl - "big" Lydia.

 Let the mayhem begin.

Happy? Yes.

The colouring contest begins.

Sure participation awards were given out all around but I think it needs to be said this big guy was our clear winner.

Thank you to everyone who sent well wishes and was able to come celebrate our Kate. I know she had a blast. A special thank you to Aunty Candace who probably ignored her instincts, braving the roads and then was our official party photographer. Thanks!!!

Love from, Kate and the lady who gave her life