Tuesday, April 27, 2010

last weekend

We had a very quick but lovely visit with the island cousins and Grammy Donna last weekend. I have had blog issues so there's been a delay in getting this post up.

Kids are so nice when they're outside. We had a picnic and played at the park - endless slides and swings. Highlights:

We started out at the boardwalk but it was pretty chilly.

All the kids with Aunty enjoying the view.

Kate playing with some unknown child's toys.

Carter heads down the slide.

Followed by Lydia.

Then its off on a wagon ride. Note Kate has a make up brush in one hand and a timbit in the other and a leg over the side relaxing. Oh it's so nice to see her taking after me.

Pooped after her big day, Kate fell asleep only moments after leaving the park. Thanks for the fun guys. Grammy have a great holiday down South - see you when you get back!

Friday, April 23, 2010

kate eats dirt

Another first for Kate today - eating dirt. What do you do? She was having such a good time playing and then unexpectedly she stuffed her face with dirt. She didn't like it and let me try to get it off her tongue. But then, she did it again. And then again and then yes again - luckily the forth time I got it on video.

Kate adores being outside and lately loses it when you bring her inside. A couple of stills of her working outside:

We had gym class today and I got a couple of shots of our little Miss:
Into the tunnel of fun she goes.

Rolling around.

Emerging victorious.

All the little kidlets in the crab for "away from Mommy time." I think Kate looks like my sister here.

Happy weekend all.

Friday, April 16, 2010

three steps and a few tears

A lesson to the cynic in me. I had just finished telling two moms at My Gym about the concern I continue to feel in regards to Kate's walking progress (or lack there of) when literally one minute later out of the corner of my eye I caught her taking her first three steps. One of the moms I had been talking to said "oh I think she's doing really good." My response was - those were her first steps. Only another mom would understand and she totally did - she started squealing and praising Kate as the tears welled up in my eyes.

I'm so happy I saw that huge effort from our little girl. She was pleased too and tried quite hard all day - at standing that is. There were no further steps yesterday but we have huge hopes! I have uploaded a couple of videos from this past weekend for your enjoyment.
Happy day to all.

Friday, April 9, 2010

an overdue discussion

I'm pretty sure everyone out there that checks in on this blog knows - but for posterity sake I should probably make it "blog official" - we are expecting another little bundle of joy. August 17th is the expected due date and if this one is anything like his sister that's when he'll be arriving. Oh yes, and it's a BOY!

I think Cody and I are taking longer to adjust to the thoughts of us being parents of a boy than we did to the thought of being parents of two!
I'm just finishing my 21st week and everything seems to be going well. It's so different this time around. I don't have the long hours to just day dream about baby and how our lives will change. I was sicker in the first trimester, I am more tired, sore and I feel like I'm already a lot bigger. Luckily Kate is exhausting, so, so far sleep has not been an issue.

We have set a few goals for the time that remains: 1. get Kate walking; 2. get a nursery ready early so we can enjoy the sun; 3. not wish our summer away but enjoy as many moments as possible.

So little man, whoever you are, we excitedly await your arrival to our little sandwich.
Lots of love - your Momma

Sunday, April 4, 2010

hoppy easter

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend. We did. Everyone was healthy, the weather was awesome, we went biking a couple times, went to the market, visited with friends and family and of course Cody and Kate got busy this morning with a little egg hunt.
The hunt is on and Kate gets right into the action.

Kate keeping an eye on her Pappa holding their loot.

Taste testing the goods.

The Easter Bunny also brought Kate a drum - lucky her and us.

Enjoying some morning sun after the hunt in her hat and necklace.

Kate modeling her new John Deere hat from her cousin Noah - thanks Noah!

For lunch we headed to Uncle Dwayne's - Meem and Pap were visiting too. We had a great time visiting, petting their fur-less cat and watching Noah master boxing and his trash talk on his new Easter Wii.

Hoppy Easter everyone.