Tuesday, April 27, 2010

last weekend

We had a very quick but lovely visit with the island cousins and Grammy Donna last weekend. I have had blog issues so there's been a delay in getting this post up.

Kids are so nice when they're outside. We had a picnic and played at the park - endless slides and swings. Highlights:

We started out at the boardwalk but it was pretty chilly.

All the kids with Aunty enjoying the view.

Kate playing with some unknown child's toys.

Carter heads down the slide.

Followed by Lydia.

Then its off on a wagon ride. Note Kate has a make up brush in one hand and a timbit in the other and a leg over the side relaxing. Oh it's so nice to see her taking after me.

Pooped after her big day, Kate fell asleep only moments after leaving the park. Thanks for the fun guys. Grammy have a great holiday down South - see you when you get back!

1 comment:

  1. Lydia didn't even make it to the top of the street and she was all flopped over and sound asleep as well! Thanks for the fun day. xo
