Tuesday, February 28, 2012


After two and a half years of living in this house we have finally put the formal living room or Christmas tree room to full use. Meaning the kidlets have taken it over. The reward for Cody and me - containment. Toy containment and hopefully not too long from now - kid containment. Elliott is still at the age that he'll only really play if he has an audience. So for those that have asked here's a peak at our new playroom.

After years of wanting to I finally tried chalk board paint. It was super easy and much less toxic than I had imagined. The room was a fun, quick and inexpensive project that has finally brought some life and light to an otherwise unused, unappealing space. Enjoy babies! Love, Mama

Friday, February 24, 2012

kate said

Kate has been saying the sweetest and funniest things around the house lately. I thought I would share a few of our favourites and record them for posterity.

Health and Wellness
"Elliott let's go outside, we need some fresh air."
"Mommy is this snack healthy for me?"
"Mommy I don't want this mango, where are the fresh ones?" Referring to her snack - frozen cubes of mangoes for smoothies.
Kate - "Mommy why did Papa give me those rainbow Cheerios?" Me - "You mean Fruit Loops?" Kate - "Yeah - they not good for me." I couldn't agree more Kate.

"Mommy I'm not going to poop in the tub tonight"
"Everybody, I pooped in the potty, wanna come see?"

"Why do we speak English?"
"Elliott I speak French, you don't. When you go to school you'll speak French."
"The man came in today for China, he talked like Mommy and Papa, he didn't play. I liked him, he liked the kids." Referring to their guest speaker who was discussing China.
Following a discussion on why some kids are different colours ...  Me - "What colour would you say Mommy is?" Kate - "White. I blue. Ha ha ha, I'm silly. That was just a joke Mommy."

I want to record/share one more thing that happened yesterday while picking Kate up from school. When I arrived she was still upstairs so a teacher sent a little guy to retrieve her. Just as he was heading up, down came Kate's class. First down the stairs was Kate, sandwiched between two lovely little ladies, Peyton and Lauren. The three of them were holding hands, smiling ear to ear as they just fit the width of the staircase. When Kate saw me watching her and her friends she beamed. Oh, my heart, it was so full. Sometimes I really truly think she's bound for the hallowed halls of the psych ward. Yesterday my faith was restored. The kid's alright. She's begun to make her way.

I love you Kate. You're making us so proud: pooping on the potty, being kind to your brother, doing well at school, opening all the doors yourself, accessorizing to the max. What's next on your awesome list?

xoxo Mama and Papa too

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Every day, rain, snow or shine, I do my best to get the kids and myself out for fresh air and a dose of Vitamin D. I know I have said it before and all parents know how difficult it is to get kids dressed in the snowsuits, boots and mitts, but some days it takes me as long to get us dressed as the kids last out of doors. Not to mention what it does to my mental health. Lately I have a new adversary - dirty snow and the two little people who are obsessed with eating it.  It really grosses me out. Elliott will literally lie his face right down in the snow and eat from the beautiful, filthy buffet. I pretty much have had to give up for fear of looking like a crazy lady running from one to the other yelling and working to curb their efforts.

 Mmmm, let's stick right to the side of the driveway to get the choice snow.

So what is the moral of this story? It's all about spring and my longing for it. Not only would Spring result in a thawed front yard but it would give us a little variety in activity. We wander, we dig, we sled a little, we eat snow, we fight, we go in.

May the sun shine on - happy Tuesday. AJ and the Gremlins

Sunday, February 19, 2012

my b'y

My b'y has recently developed an affinity for dressin' up, in particular for tulle. It's cool with us. I should mention he's still for the most part - boy man. His other favourite things include: tractors, trucks, computers, music and torturing his dog and sister.

These days this is what the kids are all about:
Elliott is all about books. He will have you read to him book after book. He especially enjoys books with simple words with the corresponding images. I'll say boat - he'll say da dah. I'll say crayon - he'll say da dah. The only word he really has down pat is "more", and it's shocking how far that one word gets him.

After receiving Tangled this week from Aunty Candace and her crew, Kate is all about Rapunzel . She walks around asking strange things like: "Why did my boyfriend cut off my hair? Are you my real mother? Are you going to cut off my hair? Why do you want to cut off my hair?"

I can remember clear as day our when our nephew Aidan was three - there was one day in particular when we had him and he must have asked a hundred questions maybe two. Shortly after that day I remember a host on CBC radio saying four year olds ask on average 400 questions a day.  I felt so sorry for my sister and brother-in-law and so sure that I would never have children. Now we're in it. I'm hoping it's the thick of it with Kate because the questions are seemingly endless, mostly mundane, repetitive and painful. So that's what she's in to: Tangled, asking questions or asking questions about Tangled. On the upside, Cody and I are no longer publicly being referred to as Shrek.

That's us today. What are you up to? xoxo AJ

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


To my three Valentines,
I love you each so much. You bring meaning and joy and humility to my life. Won't you be mine today and tomorrow and tomorrow's tomorrow?

Here's our little Valentine, all dressed up for school this morning, complete with her morning sucker. I prefer coffee but no judgement.

Here are Kate's Valentines for her classmates. She put all the sparkles, jewels and paperclips on. Last night after finding out sweets were not encouraged, I cut all the suckers off only to receive about a half dozen treats in Kate's box this afternoon. And funny enough those Valentines were the only ones she seemed to care about. Hmmm? I'm such a lame rule follower.

Our last piece of news is that my brave strong friend Becky finally gave birth (drug free) to a healthy big guy this morning - a Valentine's baby: Miles John Bedard. Congratulations guys, we are so happy for you! 

To everyone else not nursing a new born this evening, I wish you much romance. xoxo AJ

Saturday, February 11, 2012

week one

Today marked the completion of Kate's first full week of school. Each morning was marked by her asking "why do I have to go to school a-gain?" Sorry girl, only 19 more years of this - give or take.

She's doing very well, at least at drop-off and pick-up times. And today while we were playing she started singing Oh Canada. Why did I never think to teach her Oh Canada? Please don't hate me for these stories - I am just feeling so proud of her. Speaking of pride, here are the fruits of school this week:

A stab at some cursive writing, sewing a button and colouring in a not too bad circle.

Good job! Mama is going to up that University fund (okay, well, she is going to ask Papa for a little money so she can). xoxo Mama

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

birthday videos

These are a couple videos from the last two days. They're mostly for my Mom and Sister but please feel free to enjoy them as well. 
xoxo - A proud Mama

one, two, three

The games have been played, cupcakes enjoyed, horns retired and the wrapping collected for recycling. It's official our baby is three or thirteen - most days it's tough to tell. We had a great little party with some of our good friends yesterday. Last night and this morning Kate was pretty much in a daze talking about the kids and all her wonderful new things and sorting out what friends gave her which things. "Who gave me glass ((tea set)) Mama? Connor did. Oh that's pretty nice of Connor? Yes Kate." "Who gave me Barbie with diamond shirt? Reese did sweetheart. Is it mine? Yes, you get to keep it. That's pretty nice. Yes." and so on....

Here are a few pictures from the afternoon - with thanks and photo credits going to my good friend Laurie (aka Ruby's Mom):

 The bedazzled Birthday girl with the beautiful little Ruby.

Our fearless partier Elliott who enjoyed all the excitement. To our surprise he played each of the games in his own way: Limbo, Fishing for Treasure, and Musical Shapes.

It looks as though Grammie Donna knows Kate's style pretty well. With that said it has been Elliott who has been wearing them all morning.

Two of my favourite girls, well three if you count me.


 The party people.

 Checking out the goods.

 Colourful isn't it?

A fabulous red feather boa from Ruby.  Further to that, I actually found this boa under Kate's duvet last night, about an hour after she should have been asleep.

 Our Elliott and Ruby playing so sweetly together. Striking couple aren't they?

 I love this shot - the wonder and excitement of new treasures.

 Reese, Connor, Kate and Ruby checking their Facebook pages.

Sharing really is caring.

 And the song begins.

It's official - she's three and no boyfriends yet.

Thanks for the Birthday wishes for Kate everyone - she had a ball.

In other news, when I took her to school this morning she walked right up to the teacher who was greeting the kids, shook her hand and headed upstairs to join her class. And she did so without turning back once. That was definitely the best gift I could have asked for, on this her real birthday, and the anniversary of my giving birth to her. Oh and then later this evening she announced that she was going to lose her teeth. This school thing is awesome.

We love you and your spirit Kate aka Fiona.
xoxo Mama, Papa, Elliott and Finnegan

Saturday, February 4, 2012

fiona's first day

Kate or as she's known in our circle, Fiona, has now actually had her second day at Montessori. The good-byes have been tearful but the pick-ups are full of smiles.  Her teacher reports that she's doing great - whisking and exploring water. And hear this she wants to try her hand at sewing a button next week. Amazing right? What is amazing is that both days that we have sat down for lunch following school she has said something that I am sure has come from school. Yesterday she announced to Elliott with great authority: "Elliott we eat our food, we don't play with it." Today it was "bunnies eat salad and celery." I know it doesn't sound like much but in six months at the previous play school, I never heard her repeat any lessons. So, we're happy and she's excited.

 Back packs on ... it must be school time.

In other Kate news - two sleeps until her birthday party.
In Cody and Aimee news - one sleep until we see Ron Sexsmith. Awesome.
Stay tuned to see all the party action. CAKE

Thursday, February 2, 2012

snow day

Today was supposed to be Kate's first day at Montessori but Cody called to let me know that a snow storm was blowing in and school was cancelled. For once the forecast was right and yes we received snow. My plan was to take the kids out to play in it when the snow finally let up but it actually never stopped. So instead I got them dressed and out in order to rescue our garbage bins that were quickly becoming snowed-in at the end of our driveway.

Today was a pitch perfect powder day. Amazing, light, deep, fun snow. 

First moments out.

My snow angel. 

Tomorrow we will attempt Kate's first day for a second time. I just hope the Kate fairies are on my side and outgoing Kate appears. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I just knew the eye exam was too easy - payback. Yesterday Kate and I dropped Elliott off at our friend Laurie's to be babysat while we headed to her first ever Dentist appointment. A few minutes later we were back at Laurie's. She didn't even see the Dentist - she didn't make it past the Hygienist. There was some kicking of equipment, a few tears and one bad attitude.

I blame Cody. You're thinking DNA. Maybe but I actually meant because he had her out all afternoon on Sunday shopping, eating and then to her first pro Basketball game. She was pooped. So I guess we'll try again in six months.

Note - this is not my child. Though she may be this old by the time she successfully sees a Dentist.

In other news, Kate is starting at a new pre-school tomorrow. Five days a week at Montessori. It's going to be a big change for all three of us but we have hopes that it will be an excellent one. Stay tuned.

Cheers everyone. AJ and crew