Wednesday, May 29, 2013

may 29, 1953

Growing up I knew this date to be significant for two reasons, one being the day that the New Zealander, Edmund Hillary and the Sherpa, Tenzing Norgay became the first climbers to reach the summit of Mount Everest, the second being the day my dad, George Henry Rau was born. So that can only mean two things - it's the anniversary of the ascent and it's my Dad's 60th Birthday.

It feels like a huge milestone and I'm so sad to only be able to gift him things, and thoughts, and not be able to wrap my arms around him and give him what he always loved best, hugs and love. Dad, I know I have been fortunate enough to know you for over half of your life, yet still feel that I missed out on knowing you in your most compelling years. The stories of your youth are in many ways the stories that filled my youth and fuelled my imagination.

You are a hard worker, a dedicated husband, dad and grandpa. You are complex; a pain; a love. You were the first man in the life that you helped give me. I love you today and always. My arms and heart ache for you. I love you.


Happy 60th anniversary of your day of birth. kisses and hugs - Aimee and the gang

Monday, May 27, 2013

the call of the wild

It's that time of year again - Dobson time. It's a very precise Spring window where a family can enjoy the Dobson trail without being eaten alive. It seems to have been a day on the cusp - the evidence was in - the hatch has begun. The kids didn't seem to mind though as they were busy throwing rocks in the water; inching closer and closer to the edge of the water or cliffs. At one point Cody arrived just in time to catch Elliott as he seemed to be jumping into the fairly fast moving flow. What a kid. Three minutes in and his boots were full.


Moments before Elliott's big jump.

 One with nature.

One sort of with nature.

A last quiet moment.

Happy Sunday one and all. Cheers! Aimee

Saturday, May 25, 2013

testing, testing, 123

We've had a busy week with Elliott. A lot of you probably know we've had some concerns with his diction and the volume he speaks at. I know he's super young but I had a hunch he was having some problems. He was recently assessed and it turns out there are a few concerns.  This week, he started speech therapy to clear up some "idiosyncratic"speech and to work on refining his vowel sounds.  As part of the process he also underwent some hearing tests today. A lot of speech issues are a result of a fluid build up in a child's ears, Elliott however does not have fluid issues or any other hearing problems. Super news. With that said, it turns out we have a loud kid with a speech impedement. A dream come true. Just kidding. He's doing awesome and I think he actually likes the structure and interaction with new grown ups. I'm totally impressed, he sits like an angel and does all the exercises and responded well to the hearing tests. He's a smart, confident kid. Moreover, he's a smart, confident, loud, funny sounding kid and we love him. 

 The B is for Bad Boy.

Kate news - she chopped about 4 inches off her hair yesterday. She was thrilled. On the way up to the salon we took an elevator, Kate's response: "Oooh I feel it in my belly. It feels like I have a baby in my belly and it just kicked me." Spot on my darling. Spot on.

TGIF and popcorn night. 

Happy weekend all y'all.
Kisses - CAKE

Friday, May 17, 2013

not for the faint of heart

Finally! These kids are getting to be fun. Like really fun. They're both making leaps and bounds with regards to knowing their bodies and beginning to test their abilities. After school today the kids rode their bikes and the four wheeler (aka gator) for two straight hours with no tears (despite a couple spills). They broke long enough for dinner and are now, back our there with Cody. I just returned inside after hearing murderous screams coming Elliott. It turns out that Cody just kicked Elliott's four wheeler into high gear for the first time and he was more than delighted. Do you think it could be pure coincidence that a Mountie just did a loop of our Court?

Here are our little things of beauty.

Elliott and his prized "motocycle".

 Ballet on a bike.

A Jorgensen convoy.

Elliott and his other prized possession - "mine four wheeler".

Here's where things get serious ... at least for the camera woman.

For me, today was one of those days that I am truly thankful for. Thanks little buddies: my cup runneth over. 

xoxo Mama

Monday, May 13, 2013


It's that time of year again - time to thank our Mamas for all they do and for all they have done. My Mom is basking in the heat and sand of Mexico so in a way I feel like my job is done. The truth is my card and gift did not arrive in time for her to enjoy (my bad) but she's gone to a better place. Enjoy your day Mom and know that I wish you were here with me. Why? Because I love you and because I'm sick and my kids could not care less. Google says it might be Beaver Fever due to my list of symptoms. It's nasty and strange.  But Mom don't you worry about me; I've got a new nurse man to take up the slack - time and distance has created.

So Happy Mother's Day Mama. Soak up the sun. Burry your toes in the sand. Get drunk on tequila but don't drink the water!

xoxo Aimee

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

classic canadiana

I knew it was coming, I remember it clearly from my days as a babysitter, I actually think it lead to my demise as a sitter. To be honest I thought we still had another couple years before the introduction of the the classic poop, pee, toot and bum jokes. And by joke I mean Kate will say "poop" and there is a burst of laughter. Elliott will respond with "bummie," again, laughs and giggles. From what I can tell Kate's teacher Mrs Raybould calls it bathroom humour. If Kate knows that term I'm figuring it's all the rage at school. I'm expecting that Elliott is going to be ready to jump into the laugh troupe's activities next September, he's a pro. For the most part I can deal with the silliness, it's just that it quickly degrades into making jokes about privates. I'm not going to get into the gruesome details here, they think they're hilarious, I find them grating.

A right of passage I suppose. I just don't know why they always start at meal times. I guess that's their idea of family time conversation.

Kate and I were printing words this weekend, she'd tell me what she wanted to learn. Way to prioritize my darling. And for those who are curious, the bottom words is Kate's other favourite activity writing letters and having me tell her what words she's creating - I called that one bait moi.

Happy hump day. aj and the little poopers

Monday, May 6, 2013

we be screamin'

Thank you Mother Nature - what a gift of a day you gave us - sunny, warm and no wind. We made pretty good use of it too: cleaned the yard, napped with Elliott (at least I did), rode bikes to the park and then hit the local ice cream stand. Perfection, especially if you're aged 2.5 - 4.


The fruits of their laborious day.

 If you look close you can see me in the reflection... that is if you care.

Ice cream beard.

Rainbow bliss - the crowd favourite flavour of the day.

Have I mentioned how happy I am to have a nearly three year old and a four year old this spring? They are so independent and happy: finally able to do their own tricky things and keep up with one another. What fun.

Grammie Donna - we are thinking of you and wishing you a quick recovery! 
We love you. CAKE

Friday, May 3, 2013


Warning to all Albertans, this post may leave you a little envious. It's absolutely beautiful here. I'm talking shorts and sandals beautiful. The tulips are in boom, the daffodils are already finishing up and the lawn needs mowing. I said this a couple times yesterday but I'm repeating it here, it's been four summers in the East now, but each April/May I'm still surprised and thrilled by the beautiful Spring conditions. 

Yesterday, I picked up a sweaty little Kate from school and took her directly to the store to buy some flip flops. She stripped down to bare legs and then spent hours on the back yard swing perfecting her pumping action. Thrilling. She started pumping a bit last Summer but she's got it now and she is hooked. 

Elliott has been busy too. He's in love with his "Motocycle": a two wheeler without pedals. He goes around and around on it and is testing out a few tricks too. I'll try to catch some the action in order to share soon.

Tomorrow afternoon we have Kate's Winter term Parent Teacher interview. We're super excited - stay tuned for the news. For my Eastern friends and family, enjoy the weekend of forecasted sun. All you Albertans out there, good luck, I hope you survive the last weeks of Winter.

xoxo CAKE