Tuesday, January 24, 2012

happy monday

The kids and I had a great playdate this morning and Elliott is having a big nap this afternoon. It's the start of another wintery week around here and the question that begs to be answered is what the heck are we going to do to stay busy this week? Maybe we should have another kid.

It is a big week for Papa as he celebrates 33 on Friday. The plan so far is to go skiing just the two of us on Saturday. Please snow. If not we may just go park somewhere and sleep in the car for a few hours. That would be good too. Speaking of sleep, my babies seem to be getting some good cuddles and Zzzzs.

TGIM - I think not. xoxo aj

Monday, January 23, 2012

ding dong the bells are going to ring

I took this video the other day of our dancing babies. It's simple but sweet.

Hope your weekend is grand or at least not too bad. AJ

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Yesterday Kate and I had her first eye exam. As always I was super nervous. Appointments and Doctors aren't Kate's things. Probably few children enjoy them but I only know the horrors of my first born. Last month Kate had an appointment with our eight-month pregnant G.P. and ended up kicking her square in her baby belly. Awesome!

Back to the eye exam. It was actually awesome. She was brave and answered all the Doctor's requests with the exception of the colour blindness test. It seems we need to work on shapes with Kate. I was proud and thrilled especially given that next week we tackle - the Dentist. I still remember being a very little girl sitting in a Dentist's chair seriously considering hiding or running straight out of there. Is it counter productive to offer her our standard organic sucker as a bribe for good behaviour?

I love you Kate. And I love that we're able to talk with you more and more and help prepare you for some of life's challenges. I'm also thankful that the kinds of challenges that we face amount to being nervous about Doctors.
xoxo Mama

Monday, January 16, 2012

happy birthday to you and you and you...

Growing up I remember my birthday being the first birthday of the new year.  Times have changed and I now rank fairly far down on the birthday list. This weekend Cody's Pap celebrated a huge milestone: his 80th. Cody and the kids made it to PEI for a visit yesterday (I was pretty down in the dumps so stayed couch-side with my box of Kleenex). Happy birthday Pap. We love you very much.

Our good Calgary friend Sophie turned four this week. Today, Kate and I had a birthday party to attend for a neighbour and classmate - Connor who turned three. Thursday is our friend Brooklyn's third birthday party. The 27th marks Papa's 33rd birthday, then Kate's, then our friend Megan is due with her second baby, then it's my friend Becky's, then mine. I hope we're not all broke by mine!

Back to today's party. It was so sweet and fun. I was overwhelmed to see that we were attending a kid's birthday and that Kate is officially a kid. I was a bit nervous because we don't know the child or family well-  just quick street convos - but Kate was outgoing and had a truly great time. And so did I. Getting ready to say good bye I asked her to say thank you to Connor and his Mom, Stephanie. She stopped Connor in his tracks, said thank you and then out of the blue gave him a kiss and then a blush. Stephanie and I both melted.

So I have no birthday photos to share but I do have snow photos.

The cop car broke down so E had to push it.

Does this look like she's scaling a great mountainside? Oh the power of good editing hey?

 Happy Sunday everyone and if it applies to you - Happy Birthday!
xoxo- Aimee

Friday, January 13, 2012

my annual sick & tired of being sick & tired post

For a month now I have been sick. It started out as a cough after our arrival home from Mexico (a month and a half ago) but I have since been experiencing random hot and cold flashes, aches, a very congested nose, chest, head, a worsening cough and a few other even less appealing symptoms.

Thankfully the kids and I have avoided the stomach bug that seems to be going around, forcing kids to the hospital. But I'm worried. Knowing that my immune system and now Elliott's is weak and Kate is just on the mend - I wonder - where will be in a month or two? Please, please no hospitals, no endless trips to the basement with soiled blankets and sheets. It's too difficult.

Oh Winter that ails, please move on. Or perhaps it is I that should move...

How is Winter treating you? Are you treating yourself as I long to?
Green and gooey kisses everyone. AJ

Monday, January 9, 2012

campfire in the cold

The kids and I are a little under the weather this weekend so we have been sticking close to home. After taking Kate on a sled ride around the yard today Papa built us a warm fire to warm our fingers and toes by.

 Our guys fireside.

 Me and my three babies.

Our tough puppy did make a good show but by the end he was pretty chilly.

What did you do this weekend? Hope all is well east and west-side. aj xoxo

Thursday, January 5, 2012

story time

Last blog I mentioned Kate's blossoming imagination. Her brain seems to be in overdrive lately and she can hardly stop talking or close her eyes long enough to sleep these day.  I thought I would share some of her recent thoughts and questions...

This morning when I asked her if she had enough of her oatmeal:"Yes, Goldilocks will finish the rest."

Last night when I was kissing her good night she rolled over to say: "I had a great day today Mama. We were in Mexico and I jumped in the pool with Aidan."

Every single night when the sun goes down: "Where did the sun go? To Australia?"

Any time she sees a girl with straight hair: "Oh look at her Mama, her hair is so smooth. I want smooth hair."

Every single time we have rice: "I don't like Uncle Norm's soya sauce. It's terrible."

When we play PlayDoh her only request for me or Cody: "Grandma, will you please make me a pink feather boa."

And it has finally come - she has started picking up on Cody and my bad language habits. We have taught her about adult words so she is now constantly censoring us. "No Papa, you can't say $#@%."

As usual, not to be outdone by his sister, Elliott is fast becoming a bookworm. First thing in the morning, many times through the day and before bed it's books and "more" books.

It's a full house for story time these days.

Today is chilly so I suspect some books will again be in order. Lots of love - AJ

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

toasting the new year

A day late but the sentiment is the same - Happy New Year!

Cody and I rang in the New Year with our friends Laurie and Ryan (who were also celebrating their third anniversary) and then we hopefully set the tone for 2012 by having a little lie in. Brilliantly we hired the babysitter to sleepover so she was up with the kidlets for the first two and a half hours of the day. Oh and then they each had a big nap in the afternoon so Cody and I finished watching the second season of our new favourite series Sons of Anarchy. It was as if Santa visited again. Thank you Santa.

Today's theme around the house is tea party. Kate is quickly blossoming into a very creative little girl who pretty much lives in her head or has the whole family enacting a story or movie. For instance at MyGym this morning I was the dragon or Shrek, she was Fiona and Elliott - Donkey. Though she introduced herself to the class as Jessie the cowgirl from Toy Story (does she watch too much TV?).

Anyway, not much to report other than I wish all my family, friends (especially my three beautiful pregnant ones) a healthful, happy 2012.

Cheers y'all! Aimee and the crew.