Monday, January 16, 2012

happy birthday to you and you and you...

Growing up I remember my birthday being the first birthday of the new year.  Times have changed and I now rank fairly far down on the birthday list. This weekend Cody's Pap celebrated a huge milestone: his 80th. Cody and the kids made it to PEI for a visit yesterday (I was pretty down in the dumps so stayed couch-side with my box of Kleenex). Happy birthday Pap. We love you very much.

Our good Calgary friend Sophie turned four this week. Today, Kate and I had a birthday party to attend for a neighbour and classmate - Connor who turned three. Thursday is our friend Brooklyn's third birthday party. The 27th marks Papa's 33rd birthday, then Kate's, then our friend Megan is due with her second baby, then it's my friend Becky's, then mine. I hope we're not all broke by mine!

Back to today's party. It was so sweet and fun. I was overwhelmed to see that we were attending a kid's birthday and that Kate is officially a kid. I was a bit nervous because we don't know the child or family well-  just quick street convos - but Kate was outgoing and had a truly great time. And so did I. Getting ready to say good bye I asked her to say thank you to Connor and his Mom, Stephanie. She stopped Connor in his tracks, said thank you and then out of the blue gave him a kiss and then a blush. Stephanie and I both melted.

So I have no birthday photos to share but I do have snow photos.

The cop car broke down so E had to push it.

Does this look like she's scaling a great mountainside? Oh the power of good editing hey?

 Happy Sunday everyone and if it applies to you - Happy Birthday!
xoxo- Aimee

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