Friday, January 13, 2012

my annual sick & tired of being sick & tired post

For a month now I have been sick. It started out as a cough after our arrival home from Mexico (a month and a half ago) but I have since been experiencing random hot and cold flashes, aches, a very congested nose, chest, head, a worsening cough and a few other even less appealing symptoms.

Thankfully the kids and I have avoided the stomach bug that seems to be going around, forcing kids to the hospital. But I'm worried. Knowing that my immune system and now Elliott's is weak and Kate is just on the mend - I wonder - where will be in a month or two? Please, please no hospitals, no endless trips to the basement with soiled blankets and sheets. It's too difficult.

Oh Winter that ails, please move on. Or perhaps it is I that should move...

How is Winter treating you? Are you treating yourself as I long to?
Green and gooey kisses everyone. AJ

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