Thursday, January 5, 2012

story time

Last blog I mentioned Kate's blossoming imagination. Her brain seems to be in overdrive lately and she can hardly stop talking or close her eyes long enough to sleep these day.  I thought I would share some of her recent thoughts and questions...

This morning when I asked her if she had enough of her oatmeal:"Yes, Goldilocks will finish the rest."

Last night when I was kissing her good night she rolled over to say: "I had a great day today Mama. We were in Mexico and I jumped in the pool with Aidan."

Every single night when the sun goes down: "Where did the sun go? To Australia?"

Any time she sees a girl with straight hair: "Oh look at her Mama, her hair is so smooth. I want smooth hair."

Every single time we have rice: "I don't like Uncle Norm's soya sauce. It's terrible."

When we play PlayDoh her only request for me or Cody: "Grandma, will you please make me a pink feather boa."

And it has finally come - she has started picking up on Cody and my bad language habits. We have taught her about adult words so she is now constantly censoring us. "No Papa, you can't say $#@%."

As usual, not to be outdone by his sister, Elliott is fast becoming a bookworm. First thing in the morning, many times through the day and before bed it's books and "more" books.

It's a full house for story time these days.

Today is chilly so I suspect some books will again be in order. Lots of love - AJ

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