Monday, May 30, 2011


We've had some great progress today in terms of getting our kids moving. Elliott took his first solo steps behind a baby walker and Kate has got the hang of her new tricycle. Our deck was completed as of this morning and it seemed to be the motivation that they both needed to get busy.

Elliott and his wheels (unfortunately I couldn't video and spot his walking).

Kate and her wheels.

Other firsts - yesterday Kate asked "You love me Mama?" Of course I answered yes. Well it turns out she loves me too. Today several times out of the blue and for the first time ever, she said "I love you Mama." followed by "I love Elliott. I love Papa too. He a big guy."

And a final couple Elliott firsts - Elliott has learned to clap his hands and is as pleased as punch when he does so, he has pulled himself up from sitting and has learned to sip from a sippy cup on his own.

Hooray kids! xoxo Mama

Sunday, May 29, 2011


It's Grandpapa George's 58th birthday today. Papa I wish I was there so Kate and I could give you lots of kisses, sit on your lap and eat your cake. Happy Birthday Dad. We love you so much.

No birthday cake to be found here so we have to munch on tooth floss. Yes after putting Elliott down for a nap this week I found Kate sucking the peppermint off of an entire spool of tooth floss.

Our little man laughing while practicing standing.

We've had a lovely weekend here - hope you have too. xoxo AJ

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

wild things

Life has been just life these last days. The weather is pretty wet and every break in the rain the kids and I try to head outside. We did have a weekend of visitors - first Grammie Donna and Carter stayed the night and then my cousin Sarah and her new husband Chris stopped in for the night while exploring the Maritimes on their honeymoon.

Grammie reading Where the Wild Things Are to our wild things Kate and Carter.

No hands E.

Kate's blossoming imagination - she's sleeping here with all her babies after a big trip grocery shopping: a coaster, pony, bottle scrubber, 2 tractors and Barbie.

A funny face that really makes her look grown up.

In other news our renovations have been at a complete halt. The guys have destroyed our bathroom, the plumber and electrician have done all their prep work and now we're just waiting on the stuff - tile, toilet, sink. And unfortunately with the rain the roof and deck have been at a complete stand still as well. Patience is a true virtue. And as of two and a half years ago my stock of patience has grown ten fold.

 Have a lovely week everyone. xoxo aj

Sunday, May 15, 2011

out = in

Yesterday was Elliott's nine month birthday which means he's been out in this world for pretty much as long as he was in my belly. All I can think is - man pregnancy is long.

We chose to mark this occasion with concerted efforts to regain more normalcy and sanity in our lives - namely - sleep training.  Elliott much like baby Kate is a horrible sleeper and getting worse. I'm talking I can be up three times in an hour; eight plus times a night. But as with all things in a parent child relationship it's probably been my fault.  I hate him crying and being in any discomfort so I have always indulged him. That is until Friday night when Papa took over.  I actually have slept the last two nights in our in-law suite over the garage. A soundproof sanctuary. And for the first time in well over a year I got to sleep through the night without getting up to nurse or pee. Glorious! And wouldn't you know it Elliott was up once for a bum change plus a couple pulls on a bottle and then stirred a second time but quickly fell back to sleep. I'm trying not to count my chickens quite yet but I believe we may be on the road to a soundly sleeping baby. He even went down without too much fuss for our babysitter last night as Cody and I went out for a date. Again - glorious!

Big news on the Kate front too. We're so proud of her as she has been doing some excellent potty training. She's nearly in undies all day with few accidents. She's so proud every time she goes she runs around looking for Elliott to share the big news with. The persuasive power of a few jelly beans and chocolates.

Happy nine month baby E. We love you two - even more now that we're each gaining or regaining a little independence. xoxo - aj

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

two - million dollar families

Happy Tuesday everyone. It's kind of cold and ugly here today but currently the kiddies are sleeping so I'm enjoying catching up on some long overdue to do-s. Including a blog about the weekend.

We did make it over to the island - finally! It's the first visit since Christmas. One of the definite highlights was watching our kidlets with their cousins in our hotel pool. Laughing, screaming, jumping and dog paddling around in their water wings. Much to our surprise and pleasure Kate even donned a pair and was little Miss independent in them. It was awesome. Elliott was even grinning ear to ear.

Other weekend news - Cody landed in the Summerside hospital with a pretty serious case of Strep. I too have been battling it but am faring much better. I keep saying that I'm shocked at how sickly we seem to be as a family. Here's hoping we're on the post-daycare upswing!

Pajama party.

Party's over - at least for Elliott.

 Sunday and the party is back on.

Watch out world these girls are the next generation.

It looks like there may still be hope in our young men. Aren't they lovely?

This week we have some home renovations starting - so that should be an adventure. Eventually we have plans to renovate our whole house but we're starting this year with the main floor bath, the back deck and our roof. The main bath is currently a two-piece with laundry and we are going to move the laundry downstairs in order to install a shower for all our lovely guests to use. We're excited as the demo starts tomorrow and there's already a huge bin in the front drive. I'll take some before and after shots and share them with you when ready.

A great week to all of you! AJ

Thursday, May 5, 2011


There's not been a lot to report around the Jorgensen Manor as of late - other than the weather is changing and we're feeling fine.  It's Kate's first week daycare free and we (E and I) have really enjoyed having her around every day especially now that the weather is so nice.  For all your westerners - we are outside as of 9 am and still out until bedtime around 7pm - and that's without jackets and socks.

Today the neighbours are cutting down practically all their very tall trees - I've counted eight so far. The babes and I have been watching all the work; enjoying the ruckus.  Seven chainsaws going at once though has made for a very noisy house. Much to my surprise they are sleeping soundly through it now.

We did manage to vote this week and it was really fun to take the kids. Kate went back to the voting booth with both Cody and I and her homemade ballot. She marked her X a couple times with the bright pink pencil provided and she didn't even steal it! I remember fondly going to the community hall with my parents on election day.  It was always a day to catch up with neighbours and I hope in the future we too will know a couple people in the hall. 

Have a great May weekend.  We're planning on heading to the island for a much overdue visit. 
xoxo aj