Tuesday, May 10, 2011

two - million dollar families

Happy Tuesday everyone. It's kind of cold and ugly here today but currently the kiddies are sleeping so I'm enjoying catching up on some long overdue to do-s. Including a blog about the weekend.

We did make it over to the island - finally! It's the first visit since Christmas. One of the definite highlights was watching our kidlets with their cousins in our hotel pool. Laughing, screaming, jumping and dog paddling around in their water wings. Much to our surprise and pleasure Kate even donned a pair and was little Miss independent in them. It was awesome. Elliott was even grinning ear to ear.

Other weekend news - Cody landed in the Summerside hospital with a pretty serious case of Strep. I too have been battling it but am faring much better. I keep saying that I'm shocked at how sickly we seem to be as a family. Here's hoping we're on the post-daycare upswing!

Pajama party.

Party's over - at least for Elliott.

 Sunday and the party is back on.

Watch out world these girls are the next generation.

It looks like there may still be hope in our young men. Aren't they lovely?

This week we have some home renovations starting - so that should be an adventure. Eventually we have plans to renovate our whole house but we're starting this year with the main floor bath, the back deck and our roof. The main bath is currently a two-piece with laundry and we are going to move the laundry downstairs in order to install a shower for all our lovely guests to use. We're excited as the demo starts tomorrow and there's already a huge bin in the front drive. I'll take some before and after shots and share them with you when ready.

A great week to all of you! AJ

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