Tuesday, May 24, 2011

wild things

Life has been just life these last days. The weather is pretty wet and every break in the rain the kids and I try to head outside. We did have a weekend of visitors - first Grammie Donna and Carter stayed the night and then my cousin Sarah and her new husband Chris stopped in for the night while exploring the Maritimes on their honeymoon.

Grammie reading Where the Wild Things Are to our wild things Kate and Carter.

No hands E.

Kate's blossoming imagination - she's sleeping here with all her babies after a big trip grocery shopping: a coaster, pony, bottle scrubber, 2 tractors and Barbie.

A funny face that really makes her look grown up.

In other news our renovations have been at a complete halt. The guys have destroyed our bathroom, the plumber and electrician have done all their prep work and now we're just waiting on the stuff - tile, toilet, sink. And unfortunately with the rain the roof and deck have been at a complete stand still as well. Patience is a true virtue. And as of two and a half years ago my stock of patience has grown ten fold.

 Have a lovely week everyone. xoxo aj

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