Sunday, May 15, 2011

out = in

Yesterday was Elliott's nine month birthday which means he's been out in this world for pretty much as long as he was in my belly. All I can think is - man pregnancy is long.

We chose to mark this occasion with concerted efforts to regain more normalcy and sanity in our lives - namely - sleep training.  Elliott much like baby Kate is a horrible sleeper and getting worse. I'm talking I can be up three times in an hour; eight plus times a night. But as with all things in a parent child relationship it's probably been my fault.  I hate him crying and being in any discomfort so I have always indulged him. That is until Friday night when Papa took over.  I actually have slept the last two nights in our in-law suite over the garage. A soundproof sanctuary. And for the first time in well over a year I got to sleep through the night without getting up to nurse or pee. Glorious! And wouldn't you know it Elliott was up once for a bum change plus a couple pulls on a bottle and then stirred a second time but quickly fell back to sleep. I'm trying not to count my chickens quite yet but I believe we may be on the road to a soundly sleeping baby. He even went down without too much fuss for our babysitter last night as Cody and I went out for a date. Again - glorious!

Big news on the Kate front too. We're so proud of her as she has been doing some excellent potty training. She's nearly in undies all day with few accidents. She's so proud every time she goes she runs around looking for Elliott to share the big news with. The persuasive power of a few jelly beans and chocolates.

Happy nine month baby E. We love you two - even more now that we're each gaining or regaining a little independence. xoxo - aj

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