Tuesday, July 30, 2013

the cursed nostalgia

The texts I received from Cody leading up to our return from Calgary last night were so sweet; after 14 days away from us nostalgia was setting in. Fast forward 24 hours and I believe the nostalgia is completely worn off and instead he has nominated me for a medal. Yup, we are home.

What a wonderful trip we had. For the most part the kids were troopers: enduring long hours and very busy schedules. There were a few fights, a few tears and Elliott spontaneously fell asleep a few times from pure exhaustion. Otherwise we had a pile of laughs and many instances where the kids developed fast friendships, the second generations of mine. 

Per the norm I must thank:
- my Mom and Dad who were unbelievable, loving hosts
- Stella, their dog, who took more than her fair share of abuse from Elliott
- My great girlfriends who carved out lots of time for me and my kids 
- My sister's family who gave me several reprieves from my crazy kids and who trekked home with us, thus making leaving our Western home much more bearable.

I'm going to zip it and let the pictures do the talking...

A steam engine trip at Heritage Park with cousin Aidan.

Kate with Becky's girls Sophie and Lauren.

One of many adventures at Grandma and Grandpa's park.

A quiet "guys only" moment at the splash park with Uncle Norm and Melissa's Jacob.

Literally hanging out in Diane's new Canmore backyard with Misha and Marek.

Our kiddos.

Misha hanging out.

A little hike in Canmore that looked like a Day Care's outing.

The boys hunting for frogs... Diane's sons with Elliott in the middle.

 Sophie and Kate beaching it in Canmore.

 Becky's Miles busy in the sand.

 Elliott passed out on the way to the beach and proceeded to sleep in Miles' stroller for a couple hours.

 On our way up the Sulphur Mountain "Gondolo" as Elliott referred to it.

I didn't think these two lazy-boned babies would do it but I was proved wrong... seen here at the mountain's peak.

Out and about, again, this time to the Spark Science Centre.

Stella. The object of Elliott's "affections".

Our little family photo shoot.

This time with Stella and without Grandpa's safety glasses.

My turn.

 Grandpa's punkies.

 Getting ready to celebrate the kids' "Not Your Birthday, Birthday Party."

Uncle Norm ready to par-tee.

Gift time.
Aidan rippin' it up.

Lots of love everybody. Thanks for the good times. 
Cheers - AKE

Thursday, July 11, 2013

4 days and 4 beaches later...

It's not often you hear a child utter the phrase, "no more beaches Mama." But that was Elliott both Sunday and Monday of this week. Unfortunately for him, Sunday was a beach day, the fourth in a row, fortunately for him, Monday was a lazy day spent mostly at home. In review, we visited Parlee beach (NB), Emery Leger Shore (NB), Cousin's Shore (PEI) and finally Cabot Park (PEI). We're officially Maritimers.

Friday the kids and I hit a rather quiet, secluded beach and as we approached Kate observed a cottage right at the sand's edge, her comment, "Look Mama, there's a house on the beach. That's a good idea." It is a good idea, why didn't we think of it Kate?

The weekend was spent with Aunty Candace and the cousins trying to beat the 30 degree heat. It was bedtime Friday night when Uncle Cody joined us. The kids ran out unexpectedly and found Carter's birthday present. So instead of bed the four of them went on an adventure with Uncle Papa. 
 Cody trying to keep up with the student.

The groupies.

Our little man who so wished he was six and allowed to ride solo. "I can drive it!" was the Elliott quote from the weekend.

 Our six year old.

And they're off.

We had a perfect weekend with stellar, hot weather. Thanks for hosting us Candace. A special congratulations to Uncle Paul who was in Montreal for the weekend competing in his first Tough Mudder, we're especially thrilled you didn't partake in the mohawk ritual. 

Our official Calgary count down is on. Mom, Dad, Stella.... three sleeps until this tornado lands.
Love to all,

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

with glowing hearts

Canada Day turned out to be a very long but good day. We began it at the Riverview celebration, complete with bouncy castles and snow cones, then finished it up with fish and chips sea-side and an evening trip to the beach. It should be mentioned that there was a brief interlude when Cody lost our bike lock keys at the Canada Day celebration. Though we searched, we ended up having to walk home following a violent brawl between our hot, sugar-soaked children. What's a public celebration without an equally public display of knuckles and tears.

Our young patriot.

The girls.

Papa had great success teaching the kids the perfect sand quality required to build castles.

Evenings have to be the best time to hit the beach.

In case you're wondering about our bikes... Cody did call a lock smith who was able to cut through our chain. He did so at precisely the same moment that Cody found the keys under the bikes.  Oh well, it was nothing that a couple beers out in the sun couldn't heal.

Happy birthday Canada, we stand on guard for thee. CAKE