Wednesday, July 3, 2013

with glowing hearts

Canada Day turned out to be a very long but good day. We began it at the Riverview celebration, complete with bouncy castles and snow cones, then finished it up with fish and chips sea-side and an evening trip to the beach. It should be mentioned that there was a brief interlude when Cody lost our bike lock keys at the Canada Day celebration. Though we searched, we ended up having to walk home following a violent brawl between our hot, sugar-soaked children. What's a public celebration without an equally public display of knuckles and tears.

Our young patriot.

The girls.

Papa had great success teaching the kids the perfect sand quality required to build castles.

Evenings have to be the best time to hit the beach.

In case you're wondering about our bikes... Cody did call a lock smith who was able to cut through our chain. He did so at precisely the same moment that Cody found the keys under the bikes.  Oh well, it was nothing that a couple beers out in the sun couldn't heal.

Happy birthday Canada, we stand on guard for thee. CAKE

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