Sunday, June 30, 2013

summer - week one

I can not believe it has only been a week that Kate has been off from school. These kids are busy! Kate's like me, loves being on the go. After every activity or outing she consistently asks, "Mommy what's next?" At this point I'm almost out of ideas. This week we have been to the beach, the park(s), the splash park, the zoo, the movies (Elliott's first), the Y, Play Pals, a birthday party and have had three picnics.  Whewf.

Though exhausting it's been super fun and sure beats the heck out of ripping out basements or suffering from sewage sickness, which is how my sister and brother in law have started their summer. A very special shout out to Rhonda and Norm. Norm I hope you recover quickly and that your home reclamation is on the upswing. I know you have been fortunate receiving wonderful generosity of effort and spirit but you're exhausted and I'm sure you'd benefit from some privacy and down time. All the best; we look forward to seeing you in a couple weeks.

 Our tigers.

 Muggy fun.

Kate's new cut and new brown eyes thanks to Instagram.

With the weather we have had as of late it's a shock that we're not on a floodwatch. It's been so wet. We're hoping the weather dries up enough to enjoy some Canada Day festivities. How about you?

Lots of love, Aimee

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