Tuesday, January 3, 2012

toasting the new year

A day late but the sentiment is the same - Happy New Year!

Cody and I rang in the New Year with our friends Laurie and Ryan (who were also celebrating their third anniversary) and then we hopefully set the tone for 2012 by having a little lie in. Brilliantly we hired the babysitter to sleepover so she was up with the kidlets for the first two and a half hours of the day. Oh and then they each had a big nap in the afternoon so Cody and I finished watching the second season of our new favourite series Sons of Anarchy. It was as if Santa visited again. Thank you Santa.

Today's theme around the house is tea party. Kate is quickly blossoming into a very creative little girl who pretty much lives in her head or has the whole family enacting a story or movie. For instance at MyGym this morning I was the dragon or Shrek, she was Fiona and Elliott - Donkey. Though she introduced herself to the class as Jessie the cowgirl from Toy Story (does she watch too much TV?).

Anyway, not much to report other than I wish all my family, friends (especially my three beautiful pregnant ones) a healthful, happy 2012.

Cheers y'all! Aimee and the crew.

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