Sunday, April 4, 2010

hoppy easter

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend. We did. Everyone was healthy, the weather was awesome, we went biking a couple times, went to the market, visited with friends and family and of course Cody and Kate got busy this morning with a little egg hunt.
The hunt is on and Kate gets right into the action.

Kate keeping an eye on her Pappa holding their loot.

Taste testing the goods.

The Easter Bunny also brought Kate a drum - lucky her and us.

Enjoying some morning sun after the hunt in her hat and necklace.

Kate modeling her new John Deere hat from her cousin Noah - thanks Noah!

For lunch we headed to Uncle Dwayne's - Meem and Pap were visiting too. We had a great time visiting, petting their fur-less cat and watching Noah master boxing and his trash talk on his new Easter Wii.

Hoppy Easter everyone.

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