Friday, April 16, 2010

three steps and a few tears

A lesson to the cynic in me. I had just finished telling two moms at My Gym about the concern I continue to feel in regards to Kate's walking progress (or lack there of) when literally one minute later out of the corner of my eye I caught her taking her first three steps. One of the moms I had been talking to said "oh I think she's doing really good." My response was - those were her first steps. Only another mom would understand and she totally did - she started squealing and praising Kate as the tears welled up in my eyes.

I'm so happy I saw that huge effort from our little girl. She was pleased too and tried quite hard all day - at standing that is. There were no further steps yesterday but we have huge hopes! I have uploaded a couple of videos from this past weekend for your enjoyment.
Happy day to all.

1 comment:

  1. Yay KATE!!! We knew you'd do it eventually, little monkey stressing Mommy out! We love you BIG GIRL!!! Now, tell Daddy to get you off the stove ... even if it's well lit!


    Aunty's all teared up now too!!! What a beautiful little girl you are ...

    kisses and hugs and loads more encouragement,

    xoxoxoxox Aunty (& boy Dopwis cousin who's going to be very excited to see these videos later!)
