Thursday, July 22, 2010


We have been going through a lot of changes here at the house and with Kate these last couple of weeks. The biggest change has been moving Kate to a new daycare here in our community. Instead of a 35 minute commute it's literally a 2 minute trip. Today was day 4 and I think we are seeing improvements all around. She seems so much more agreeable in general and certainly at the end of the day. I'm not sure if its the place, the people, the lack of a long boring drive, or perhaps its that her Pappa is in Toronto for a few days. Whatever it is - I'm thrilled.

We have also been getting ready for baby #2: had rooms painted, built furniture, done loads of laundry. Other than not having our bag packed, I think we're ready!

Kate has been practicing her big sister skills too. Today I had the baby bouncy seat out and we put her doll in it. Well she kissed the baby, soothed the baby, bounced the baby, put a blanket over its head, then dragged the seat all around the house and finally she sat directly on the baby. I guess it was at last, her turn to bounce. Though somewhat terrifying, it was a hoot watching her.

Though still looking a little sparse, I thought I would share some of the photos of the nursery so far:

Please note the bed is soon to be Kate's, we're just letting her look and play on it for a bit before we introduce one of the final changes and actually have her sleep in it. Oh that and I need to get some bedding for the awkward sized small setting.

And here is the little Miss herself. This photo was taken tonight after I finally convinced her that trying to stand and surf on the frog was not a good idea. She is a wild child. Happy weekend to everyone. Lots of love, Aimee

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

so this is humidity

I've been in Calgary for the last week having returned on Thursday to Kate, Cody and a wall of hot humidity. We and our house are a sticky, warm mess and my hair isn't faring too well either. It certainly feels like Summer though. On Friday Kate and I hit the beach together and I'm happy to report the water is so warm. All those rumours of Shediac being the warmest ocean water in Canada (or something) seem to be true. Kate and I just cuddled sitting in chest height water and cooled ourselves. It was lovely. Saturday it was off to Toys R Us for a pool. A little pool, but it's a start. And today it was Kate's cousin Carter's 3rd birthday party. Carter has piles of friends and it was fun seeing them all run around (inside) as it was a pretty rainy day. Great party Carter - happy birthday!

On the way back into town us Jorgensens went to the Y for a swim and then when we got home Kate still didn't have enough pool time. She insisted on going outside in the pouring, warm rain and sat in her pool on her little chair for another half hour while Mommy watched those handsome Spaniards win the World Cup. I wish I had a couple photos but my camera died at the birthday.

Kate camping with her Pappa when I was away. Rumours have it that it was a tough couple of days for Pappa. I commend him for trying.

Kate lounging in her new pool.

On a separate note - we have 5 weeks to go before the arrival of baby #2 and the countdown is on. I am pooped and ready to meet this little man.

I hope everyone out West enjoyed the long overdue heat and maybe did some Stampeding! Thanks for the good times last week too. I miss you all. AJ