Sunday, April 24, 2011

our happy easter out of doors

Cody, Ryan (a young co-worker) and Kate were busy cleaning out our back woods this Easter Sunday. It was a gorgeous Spring day and we spent it outside. We finished off a lovely afternoon with a fire in the woods. What did you do? Gorge yourself on your kids' chocolates? I would have too but Kate has them under lock and key.

 Speak of the devil, here she is fireside enjoying another little snack.

 Me and my future woodsman.

 The fruits of Cody's labour.

The fruits of my last labour.

 The view from our fire pit up to the house.

Our hippy baby. It was about 11 degrees and Kate was exploring the woods barefoot in her new tie dye T (that I not so secretly covet).

In other Easter news, Kate's Easter egg hunt was a bit of a bore. She loves chocolate and candy and pretty much wanted to eat each item that she found. We figure the kid needs some competition and next year with Elliott on her heels she might actually pay attention.

Happy week lovelies. C.A.K.E. Jorgensen

Monday, April 18, 2011

queazy tummies

We had a lovely weekend with Grammie Donna. She absolutely spoiled the kids as well as Cody and me -we actually went out to the movies. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And Kate thanks you for the ice cream - she hasn't stopped talking about it.

I think Grammie may have just got out in time too.  I started feeling pretty queazy last evening and I believe Elliott was and is off too. And Cody just called and he has started feeling ill as well. It's quite terrifying, the thought of us getting sick again as Kate in the end was vomiting and sick for five days last week.  With that said we have chosen to pull Kate out of daycare.  We're so tired of always being sick and moreover she's just not that into going anymore.  It's a struggle to get her out the door and then there is a flood of tears each time I drop her off. So today I gave our two week notice. I'll miss the school though - they were so great to us and I loved Kate's little friends.  Now I have to find new play outlets for her and Elliott.

On a completely separate note, last evening Kate requested some outside time.  Neither Cody nor I particularly wanted to join her (I know we're terrible) so out she went on her own. Around and around the house she went playing in the gardens, with sticks, admiring the chipmunk on our feeder and having a gay ol' time. It's unbelievable to me what a two year is capable of.  Before Kate I would have said a two year old is a baby still but she's already quite independent and resourceful. It's an indescribable feeling watching her imagination come to life and made Cody and me stop and wonder about our own dwindling imaginations. So begins our journey of rediscovery through our kiddies.

A couple kiddies photos:
The babes have started interacting a lot more - even playing a bit together.

Here's Kate trying to teach Elliott to drink from a bottle.

It's snowing and raining here and very overcast so we're not feeling that springy. However the plan this week is to attempt a few Easter activities including of course colouring eggs. I'll let you know how it goes.

I hope Spring is on your doorstep everyone. xox aj

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

clang, clang, rattle bing bang

One of Kate's favourite books is Mortimer.  The morning that she got sick I was able to capture her reading the book to herself. It was so sweet.

An update on Kate - she seems to be on the mend today. It's been three and a half days of throwing up, tears and laundry.  She was up and at 'em after breakfast this morning but three hours later she's slowed down and is again holed up on the couch with her buddy (who I abhor) Dora. I'm really hoping that we'll at least be able to get outside today; Elliott and I are going crazy!

Happy hump day.

Monday, April 11, 2011

a not so happy anniversary

It was pretty much a year ago that Kate got so sick and lethargic that we ended up in the Moncton hospital with her.  We had no family Doctor at the time and the walk-in clinics didn't want us so the hospital turned out to be our only option. Fast forward a year and that's where Kate and Cody ended up for the day - yesterday.  Kate started vomiting Saturday night and continued to for the night. She was looking pretty awful and couldn't keep any fluid down so we decided the hospital was where we should probably head. Our poor little baby, I guess when they were putting in her IV she tried to grab the tube of fluid to drink it as she was so thirsty.

It was a very long and sometimes painful day for Papa and baby girl but I'm happy to report she's doing so much better.  Presently she's rehydrating on the couch with some CBC kids. I don't like our chances getting her to the Doctor again any time soon. And we had been making good progress.

What a sight.

I hope all of you spent the nicest day of the year somewhere nicer. Aimee

Thursday, April 7, 2011

in summary

Well my apologies to anyone who checked in on our Calgary trip as I was a most lax blogger while away. We had such an event filled time that I just didn't give this forum the little free time I had. In summary we had a grand time. Loads of friend and family time - visiting, laughing, EATING! The weather didn't agree with us so we didn't make it out of doors much but we are hoping to make up for that here in Riverview as Spring is on its way in.

Kate had her first day back at day care as I had to spend the day unpacking. Unfortunately our six pieces of luggage were lost so we just received them late this morning.  Picking her up at school this afternoon confirmed what I was thinking ... they reported that Kate had really changed. She shared well all day and her vocabulary had just blossomed. Thank you Aidan for both.  Aidan was a great sport with Kate especially when she claimed everything that was his as "mine!" They were great mates - wrestling, reading, building forts, climbing, they even had a couple sleepovers in Aidan's bunk. We miss you very much big guy.

Kate also had a few sleepovers with Grandmama, Grandpapa and their new puppy Stella and did wonderfully. Then there was Aunty Rhonda and Uncle Norm who hosted us for three weeks.  They said we were welcome back and I do hope they meant it as 21 days could easily be seen as overstaying your welcome. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you did for us. The kids were over the moon with all the attention.

E and Grandpapa.

E and Grandmama.

 Whee the mall's Merry Go Round.

 Family hug.

Kate wrestling with Stella. Pull!

Crafting fun at Becky's.

E and Misha.

Oh the big kids had to get in the shot.

Movie night with all the kids and three babysitters. The kiddies ate Popcorn Twists downstairs while the Mommies had Thai and wine upstairs.

Kate and Aidan playing animal toss. 

My favourite shot. Yes my sister is very liberal and allowed her son to paint the Dinos on the wall.

Pant-less piano with the cousin.

The Jorgensens up top the Calgary Tower with Kate's castle in the background.

Kate floating over the city on the glass floored Tower.

Thanks everyone who made time for us we really did have a great time.  We look forward to returning the favour in our side of the country soon. xoxo - aj