Sunday, November 25, 2012

santa claus came to our town

I can hardly type this blog as I can barely lift my left arm. Here's the story...

We went to the Santa Claus Parade tonight. The start time was six, so we arrived a few minutes before. Perfect timing when entertaining a two and three year old, less perfect if trying to get a good spot for said two and three year olds. So, both Cody and I hoisted a child up on our hips and sometimes on our shoulders. Despite the burn it was great fun and the kids were mesmerized. If the Moncton parade impressed them, I can't wait to see what their reaction will be to the DisneyWorld parades this Christmas.

Kate's favourite thing was "everything". Elliott's favourite thing was the "big trucks" hauling the floats, and the "fire trucks" and the "motors" (aka four wheelers). Thank goodness they didn't notice we didn't officially see Santa or the end of the parade.

 We're smiling because the hoisting has not yet begun.

 Best seat in the house.

Note that it was such a beautiful night here that none of us needed hats or mittens.

The final float of our evening.

Here's to a season of merriment and learning to work the parade system for next year.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

let's make some magic

Yesterday I was way under the weather and this morning both the kids were definitely not themselves so I kept Kate home. Instead of resting, we got straight to work on a gingerbread house. Out of no where yesterday, she requested that we make one. It just so happened that earlier in the week I had picked up our annual pre-baked, pre-assembled kit. Let the merriment begin. For the most part it was quite merry. Elliott ate the candy while Kate and I co-decorated with the treats that were left. Meanwhile our home renovations continued in the background, Kate making each tradesperson stop to admire her work. They were all very good sports and she was thrilled with our end product.

"El, we decorate, we don't eat."

Our completed gingerbread house. Home to Shrek's and our good friend - Gingee.

Tonight the kids received a very special delivery. The return address was the North Pole and it contained the book The Elf on the Shelf. Supposedly, Santa is going to be sending one of his Elf helpers to our house to report back to him on Kate and Elliott's daily behaviour(s). When he shows up we have to name him, talk to him, we can't touch him and we have to put our very best feet forward in front of him. I can't wait. The kids long list for names include: Daadaa, Wazley, Waawaat. Hopefully we have a little time before his arrival to refine our options.

It's starting to feel a lot like Christmas. Well, with the exception of having worn T-shirts outside today to play on our very green lawn.

One last shout out. This one to our cousin and nephew Aidan who turns eight today. Aidan, Kate was confounded after dinner tonight trying to figure out how we were going to eat your birthday cupcakes. Do you think you could freeze us a couple? We love you. Happy birthday!

Monday, November 19, 2012

family portrait

Saturday morning Kate drew her first family portrait. Which is huge for Kate as she almost exclusively chooses to scribble. I was thrilled, especially with the conversation that followed.
Kate: This is Mama, this is Papa, this is Elliott, this one, ((the biggest)) is me and this is lightening.
Mama: That's super awesome Kate but I think you forgot Finnegan.
Kate: Nope, he's not here because he's dead.
Mama: Oh. Okay.

Later that day we finished up our earlier conversation.
Mama: Kate, I called Papa and let him know that you drew a great family picture and that Finnegan was dead.
Kate: Oh Mama, that was just a joke.
Well whephf!

Peace out. aj

Saturday, November 17, 2012

two down

It's painful to watch the kids poke, corner and stab at their food, attempting to cajole meals onto their ever-elusive forks. They never eat much dinner, most nights it seems to be out of pure exhaustion. Tonight was no different. We were having lasagna and saw them starting to abandon their efforts. On a whim, I gave Kate my knife and showed her how it could help get food up onto her fork. It took 30 seconds and she had it. As always, Elliott had to have whatever Kate did. He took about five seconds and bingo, they were both eating, fork and knife in-hand. Even more amazing was that they both cleaned their plates.  Maybe it was the excitement at having graduated to big person cutlery, or maybe they were ravenous from not having eaten a complete dinner in a couple of years. Either way, though a simple feat, it was quite thrilling. Good job guys.

 One down...

two down...

one to go.

Happy weekend.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

first dance

Today was Kate's second last dance class, when all the kids' friends and families were invited to see the girls' progress to date. All organizational annoyances aside, it was very sweet. There was even a surprise visit by two of the company's ballerinas performing in this year's Nutcracker which brought on serious faces from Kate and Elliott to go with the serious music and dancing.

I never thought I would long to become a Dance Mom but the desire is growing. The ballerinas that help with the class are so strong and graceful, it's hard not to want for those qualities in your daughter (who currently is a little rough around the edges). Time will tell. In the meantime, January will see Kate graduate to Primary Ballet, hooray! We were close to registering Elliott for First Dance but I'm still feeling a little gun shy from Gymnastics. A warm, sunny studio sounds so much more appealing to an early morning spent in a cold arena.

Kate first in line for one of the exercises.

Again, first in line.

Kate's captive audience.

Kate and her dance partner Hayley.

Kate and Hayley in action.

A toy soldier brought to life.


A couple weeks from now Kate and I will be attending DancEast's Nutcracker; I can't wait.

Thanks for the memories. Love you Kate. Mama, Papa, & E

Thursday, November 8, 2012

my vote

If anyone out there reading this, is in the know, please let me know if there is a public movement that I can join to officially end Day Light Savings. It's evil and I think if there is not already a movement, the mothers of Canada (excluding the already wise people of Saskatchewan) need to band together to do our part to ban this twice annual useless change to our clocks.

We're already in day four and my kids are still completely upside down. It's not as simple as going to bed later in their worlds. We're doing that and they are in turn actually getting up earlier than ever.
And I am not proud to say it but I was awoken to my son falling down our staircase this morning. Yup I found him in a heap at the bottom of the stairs at 4:45am completely shaken and out of it. And that's how and when my day began. Prior to Saturday night's change he had been sleeping in to after 7:00 now, it's 4:45 every day. Don't ask me how our brains work but it doesn't seem to jive with arbitrary changes to our clocks.

I hate it. I know all the mothers in my life hate it, so let's get active. Let me know if you're in.

As a result of our early early starts, this house has been in a bit of a dark funk since this weekend's visit from Grammie Donna and our PEI cousins. I'm just now getting the spirit up to post a few pics and report what a nice visit we had. It was loud and it was proud. What lovely little friends they're becoming. And it's interesting as always to observe who are the closest friends. It seems that Kate and Carter then Elliott and Lydia is the pairing off. E adores Lydia and talks about her adoringly. And Carter and Kate are just wild together, very physical: wrestling and laughing.

Here they are...
 Winding down with a little show time with Grammie.

Sunday morning and they're jammin'. Kate on drum, Carter rocking the drums and keyboard, Lydia is all harmonica and E if you look closely, is on the horn.

In other voting news, as Barack Obama was reelected today (Eastern time) I was reminiscing about his first election into office and me being very, very pregnant at the time. I thought to myself then (which seems only yesterday) that I would have a 4 year old when he started his second term. And now it's all here. How much the world or at least my world has changed.

Peace be with us all. Aimee

Thursday, November 1, 2012

a howl

The remnants of Hurricane Sandy hit us this morning and the day was wet, wet wet. As such, the spirits at Kate's school were pretty low this morning, at least the parents' and teachers'. We were all imagining the evening of cold, soaked costumes and drippy makeup that were in our futures. However the clouds parted around 4, the sun started shining and we had perfect 15 degree weather to head out in.  Oh thank you Mother Nature. Thank you.

We had an awesome time tonight with our trick or treaters. They had super manners, spirit and stamina having made it to almost every haunted house on our double court. Elliott, Cody and Finn tuckered out two houses shy of Kate calling it quits. I actually wasn't sure she'd ever tire out. I think the candy was calling.

Honestly, from the second they saw our five year old neighbours Ben and Daniel, the kids started screaming - with fright and delight - and then they started running. It really was special. Not so much for the two sacs of candy we now have to contend with but for the neighbourhood's spirit. I love Halloween.

Our cupcake princess and deadly shark ready to roll.

 The back up team, equipped with wheels, bags to empty loot into and on site security.

Elliott trying to keep up with his very energetic sister.

Second time back to #5 in order to revisit the pumpkin witch.

 Elliott's favourite neighbourhood pal Oddie the cat. Oddie was looking a little spooky tonight.

Kate, Elliott and Daniel doin' their business.

Kate loving life.

Elliott fell asleep as I sang to him tonight, his sister on the other hand is wired and licked me three times during our good night ritual. I really do love Halloween.

Goodnight Goblins. AJ