Monday, September 30, 2013

playing catch up ... again

I don't think I even mentioned that Cody and I were road tripping South last week while my gracious parents played parents to a couple kids. We did, they did, and all went well. First us. Cody and I travelled down route one and visited Bar Harbour, Boston and Martha's Vineyard on our mini vacation. My parents went to swimming lessons, a birthday party, school, Alma, Chapters, Crystal Palace, the movies and I'm sure dozens of other activities on their vacation.

Cody and I have not been on an actual vacation together since our honeymoon. There was some subtle changes. For one, I don't remember him being so quiet. Thankfully I picked up the slack and talked for two. The highlights were certainly the Cape Cod homes, being on the ocean for days, the lovely meals and not having to prep or clean or any of the typical trappings of family life.

I can't thank my parents enough. This morning both Kate and Elliott wondered if you were ever going to wake up. They were certainly bummed out when I reminded them that you were in the air on your way home. They mourned the loss of you by visiting your room and absolutely demolishing it.

Just in case you forget what those rug rats look like, let me refresh your memory.

In case it's not obvious, we pumpkin patch'd it today.

Happy last day of September everyone. Aimee

Thursday, September 12, 2013

a week in

School has been in for exactly a week and so far there's been only one complaint. It was this morning and it was expressed in the way of tears and a couple screams from Elliott. For some reason it hit him hard this morning that he didn't want to join his class, he just wanted to be with me. Sweet but heart breaking. After a couple of story books and a little apple sauce, he cheered up enough to join his mates. He was all smiles when I returned a couple hours later.

After school has been the real challenge - these kids have stamina and they like to be entertained. I thought this school season would feel a more relaxing than it actually does. Anyone hiring out there? I just might be ready. Until then, here are a few things that we have been keeping busy with...

 Flying high with my little pilots at Crystal Palace .

Elliott's got a new backseat driving friend.

The library has new toys and we're breaking them in.

Taking a break from the park to enjoy the muddy river.

 Something new - the Green Pig Market's Corn Maze - this afternoon.

You may never see these faces again.

It turns out this maze was serious stuff and being that we were the only ones out there with a storm looming the he bee jeebies set in, so after about 20 minutes and I had to turn the kids around.

In other news, we are starting a new countdown this week. It's a week plus a morning until my parents join us following their trip to NYC. We're getting excited and the kids can't wait to take Grandpa George and Grandma Sherri to Chapter's, the library and GoJees (our new frozen yoghurt place). I hope you're ready for that sort of excitement guys. Meanwhile Cody and I will be heading South for the better part of a week to explore route 1 as the locals seem to know it. In my Canadian way, I'm going to start saying thank you now. Thank you!


Thursday, September 5, 2013

next up

Today was the big day - Elliott's first day (hours) of pre-school. He was a champ and walked into the place, shook his teacher Miss Tara's hand and got busy. He hardly even looked up as Cody and I said our good byes to him. When picking them up I got to peek in and observe their classes. I'm happy to say that both were sitting still, listening attentively to their teachers reading stories.

Both reported a great morning. As for me, I had two and a half hours of relative freedom. I picked up a Starbucks without having to negotiate out of purchasing muffins or scones, I did the grocery shopping without fighting or wrestling a single soul and had time to watch some morning news.  Pure heaven.

 Hand in hand ready to get to school.

 Within the first minute he was seated and settled with a smile.

It's been a great three years buddy but I'll catch ya later.

Why is it that you love your children most when they're asleep or in the care of someone else? Or is that just me?

Love you two big kids.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

first up

Today was Kate's first day of her last year of preschool. It seems a little strange in retrospect but Kate has been in preschool for two years already. You could tell this morning that she's an old pro. There were no tears, no drama, she just walked into her new school, walked in her class, met the teacher Miss Amanda and was off. Cody on the other hand - cried.

Today was only 2 1/2 hours so there isn't a lot to report. She seemed happy; her only news was that they got ice cream for morning snack. Seems unusual but she's sticking to her story.

Kate officially signing in on day one. I'm pleased to report that her penmanship was beautiful!

Me and my man in the library on this very wet day. 

Tomorrow is Elliott's turn. He has been talking a good game, let's see if he and his Papa hang tight!
Until tomorrow - happy September 3rd all y'all. 