Monday, April 28, 2014

a spring fling

We were back in Saint John for a couples Cross Fit competition. It was supposed to be my first competition and although the event was called a Fling there was nothing casual or fun about the weights or movements required of all the athletes. So I unfortunately or fortunately had to be replaced a couple weeks ago when the minimum weight requirements were released.  With that said it was a wonderful weekend cheering on Cody and his partner KK (Krista) and Alex my former partner and his new and improved partner Jenn, plus all the other awesome athletes from our gym and from around the Maritimes and Quebec.

It was also a weekend of great energy as people were getting PRs (personal records) all over the place. Cody got a 15 pound PR on his Olympic lift - Clean. I managed to catch the last two seconds of it on film and I'll try to upload it later.

The final standings are yet to be released but we're expecting a top 20 finish for CJ and KK. You guys did so awesome as a team and as always were a pile of fun to watch.

Team "Should We?" - Cody and KK

 Team "Big & Small" - Alex and Jenn

 Setting up their third and final WOD for day one.

 Me and some MCF ladies.

Deadlifting 225# before box jumping.  (21 - 15 - 9)

Terrible shot but this was Cody's self appointed moment on the podium.

The first WOD of the second day - a 300 meter swim. Super fun seeing some serious athletes way out of their comfort zone.

A shot of the crowd.

 300 meters done in a time of 4:53.

Julie and Alex looking a little tuckered out.

Saint John you are a good looking, cool city and we enjoyed you, your food and hospitality very much. Cheers until next time.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

lunch'n with our bunnies

Thursday afternoon Cody and I joined the kids at their school for their annual Montessori Easter lunch. The lunch is a time to have too large of parents squeeze into too small of chairs to eat lasagna and an opportunity to check out what the kids have been up to. Our kids were thrilled to show off their classrooms, work, friends and to dig into their first treats of the Easter holiday.

Kate showing off her egg in a nest and Elliott with his tulip egg cup.  I'm ashamed to say that Elliott eventually did break into the three day old unrefrigerated, painted, glued egg and consume a bit before Cody intercepted.

Some beautiful washi tape eggs. I triple confirmed that the kids actually did make these beauties.

Some blindfolded work in the four/five year old classroom.

Spring blooms.
 More signs of Spring.

Kate's class visit to a Sugar Bush two weeks ago.

If it isn't obvious we did hang for the most part in Kate's classroom. The work was just of a bit higher calibre. Sorry Elliott.

Us and the bunnies had a very happy Easter - we hope you did to.

Friday, April 11, 2014

two lips

We were outside two days ago enjoying the spring like conditions when Kate, bursting with joy, took me by the hand to our front garden.  There, she proudly pointed out the tulips that had appeared as the snow quickly disappeared. Today I counted and we have 21 strong looking tulip tips.

I planted many a tulip in Calgary gardens but I have never had one make it past the bulb stage.  Our squirrels must be hungrier back west because the moment you planted them they became a rodent's meal. They're the first bulbs that the kids planted along side me and they have been talking about them all through our long winter.

So wish us luck! Luck against more snow, trampling feet and curious puppies.  It's a long journey ahead in order to get a couple of these babies to bloom.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

mr. golden sun

What a difference a day can make. The sun made a grand appearance today and with it great spirits everywhere. We're still confined to our driveway and the streets as our front yard has a good six feet of snow in places. We'll take it and will try not to complain about the deluge of rain that's in tomorrow's forecast because there's no better, faster way to melt a pile of snow. Let's do this Mother Nature!

 You know Spring is in the air with the annual breaking-in of new rubber boots.

 Baby down. This looks much more tragic than it really was. He's pretty much lazy.

Today was the test and the saying held true - it's just like riding a bike. Happily I can report Kate didn't lose all the bike riding skills she gained last summer. She was a little wobbly and a bit nervous but pretty much - she was a superstar. 

Now the search begins for this season's bike or motocycle for Elliott. It's almost an understatement to say he's worn out the Runner he has at present. It's been true love and I'm nervous to try replicating that sort of a relationship. However if he's anything like his Papa with bikes he'll actually have the opposite problem. 

Do I risk jinxing us all by saying Spring has sprung? I'm going to live dangerously here and just say it: Spring has sprung - now let's all get some Vitamin D shall we?
CAKE out

Thursday, April 3, 2014

and a chapter closes

It's official, as of yesterday afternoon, Cody, his father and Janice are no longer the owners of Terra Nova Transport. They (we) have sold the company to a family in Quebec with holdings of three other Quebec-based transportation companies. As of this morning, Cody has a two year contract as the new General Manager of Terra Nova and Janice and Paul are fast on their way to wonderful, hard-earned retirement.

Us four Jorgensens travelled on Monday to Montreal for the final document signatures and to celebrate the closing of the deal - that was nearly a year in the making. Cody is very excited about the sale and the opportunity to regain a little more quality of life and who knows what else. I know the change will be bitter sweet for Paul as he's been at the helm for 31 years. It has been his and Janice's life's work. I can't wait to see what you do next.

 Oh to be a lawyer and to produce this kind of paperwork.

 Getting ready for the suits and final signatures.

 A quick peak at the Montreal skyline. I thought the blinds added a little something.

  Jean Francois Audet and Isabelle Audet - the new owners of Terra Nova Transport.

And the deal is sealed. 

Last order of business - break out the bubbly!

In four and a half years this company first changed and then shaped our lives as a family. It has afforded us a great deal of opportunities and I know I speak on behalf of my other half when I extend a huge thank you to Paul and Janice for inviting us into the partnership. 

A huge congratulations to you three and the work that you put into making this deal real.