Wednesday, July 30, 2014

a day in the life

Another day, another twelve hours chock full of summer activity. We had a house full of workers again yesterday so the kids and I hit the road for the morning. Elliott started the day asking "what are our options on outings?" Upon listing said options, they agreed on Butterfly World. So back to the ball pit, bouncy castles and of course butterflies.  There's a mini golf course at Butterfly World as well, I have since promised a special visit after Elliott asked if we could "go play a game of hockey there." Cody - your son needs you.

Great day with the butterflies. Kate had two on an orange and one on her shoulder. She glowed!

Look who's all grown up.  Last year E shook and swatted any time a butterfly came by. Yesterday he had one tickling his finger and another on a slice of orange.

 A bug's life.

Onto the Wharf Village and a full sized Captain Hook.

 Kate's turn.

 Now on to the really good stuff - a cinnamon Beavertail in the village.

Not enough activity? Nope. The kids rode bikes and played travelling aquarium for the afternoon.

Last night, after the kids were asleep, I got to go to the airport to pick up Aunty Rhonda, Uncle Norm and Aidan! This morning the kids refused to go to camp and have asked when Aidan is getting up a dozen times.

Surprise! Look who joined us for the morning's cartoons (4:30 Calgary time).

Three days remain of July, we're having a lovely summer but something quite shocking happened yesterday. We went by the kids' school and Elliott burst into tears saying he missed Miss Julianne and Miss Tara and all his friends.  Then Kate chimed in - no tears but a shared sentiment. Wow! Half way there guys. I'm sure I'll be battling you to get there before we know it.

xoxo CAKE

Sunday, July 27, 2014

mermaids, men and mammas

My girlfriend Julie and I took our five little children to the beach yesterday for a little R&R and shocker we actually achieved some. It was a perfect day - a little overcast, mid twenties and not a lick of wind. The kids swam, dug, ran, sculpted, ate, whined, fought, tortured, screamed (in delight and disdain); 70% + good stuff. And for that, Julie and I were thankful.

Talk about cooperation.

Our first mermaid of the day - Mermaid Charlotte.

Followed shortly after by Mermaid Josie.

"Mama can you make me a merman?"

Our school of merpeople.

 More merfolk.

Mermoms Tatiana and Chandelier.

So much fun we're doing it again today, poolside. Summer lovin'.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

summer stories

Every summer has its stories and I feel like we are writing some lovely ones. Summer 2014; one for the books. The weather - grand, the kids - delightful and having Cody off for weekends - priceless. Since the sale of Terra Nova our family has transformed. Cody quite literally worked seven days a week and when he wasn't at work he was still very much on, distracted. He's a new man. And the three of us are in love with him. So far we've park'd it, splash park'd it, beach'd it, pool'd it, bbq'd it, grand parent'd it, craft'd the hell out it and tomorrow we're joining our friends' to cottage it and soon we'll be camping it. 

I am very very thankful. 

Presently Elliott is at a birthday party. He was so excited to see his friends from school again.  He talked about the birthday boy Damian all afternoon yesterday. The best line, "Mama, I actually like Damian now."  I guess distance does make the heart grow fonder and just in time to celebrate.

Shout it out Elliott - yahoo summer!

Some good news: our beautiful home renovation is very nearly complete.  I just have to screw up the courage to hang some art.  I'm so in love with the perfect walls that I fear making mistakes.

More good news: my sister's family have booked their tickets and they arrive in nine days for like ten days. My liver already aches.

Mucho love! CAKE

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

grand parents

My parents have come and my parents have gone. Ten days sounds like a lot but it went very quickly (at least for us four). Elliott asked Saturday why Grandma and Grandpa couldn't stay for super long. It's a sad thing this country being so grand in size. With that said rumour has it that my Dad's hearing aid was out of batteries for his entire visit. Makes sense and I can't actually blame him.

We (they) packed the days, and a couple of evenings as well.

Peak a boo...

 Kate having some cuddle time with Grandpa George.

This season's inaugural visit to Butterfly World.

A tiger-striped beauty.
 The ball pit - always a fan favourite.

We commemorated our visit to Butterfly World by creating our own - even Grandpa got in on the action.

 Pretty serious butterfly decorating face Ell.

Mine, my Mom's and my Dad's creations.

Kate's zombie butterfly.
Nice work Elliott.

Beaching it.

Great find Elliott.

Our fearless jellyfish hunters (well scavengers really).

Our friend fluffy a baby bird that fell out of its nest.

We googled it and they said to make it a nest in the same tree for Mama to keep feeding it.  We waited all day and never saw parents. So sad.

The kids already miss the water fights and all the hugs and kisses. We love you. Thanks so much for coming so far to be with us.


Sunday, July 6, 2014

on to ontario

I suspect I post the same blog every year about our trip to Toronto. It's become a family tradition full of family traditions: piles of fun in the pool, great barbecues, cold beer, motorbike rides with Grampie, cake, celebrations, too much food, awful traffic and going to view the new house that Paul and Janice will be moving to. This year didn't disappoint on any front and to top off all the festivities - I can scarcely recall the kids (any of the four) fighting.

We all had a wonderful trip/visit and next year we will be staying in their gorgeous, spacious Hamilton home right on the tremendous Lake Ontario. Lucky us. We can hardly wait.

Our last napper.

The girls and I trying to make the most of the traffic jam on the old 401.

 How did this happen so fast? Our babies have all abandoned their water wings.

 Wet cuddles with Grampie.

 The Champion ladies.  I think I have taken this same shot for a few years now.

 Kate giving us an underwater thumbs up.

 And the kid toss begins. Lydia up.

Looks like Elliott got some good air.

Kate swimming.

Tossing the tiny-s.

 Kate's turn on the back of Grampie's spider.

Celebrating Carter's seventh birthday a little early.

Our soldiers.


A belated Father's Day celebration poolside.

Catching some final rays.

And Elliott's beat again.

Back to the airport - so plug in the children.

The future has arrived.

On to July and to hosting my family. Mom and Dad have arrived to much fanfare. It's been a busy and fun couple of days. I think the grandparents have finally run out of gifts to present to the kids so we'll see if their popularity remains as high.

Party on Garths! aj