Wednesday, September 30, 2015

home work

I'm going to use the pool as my excuse for a complete - drop off the Earth - lack of blogs in the past weeks. In truth we have been having a pile of fun with friends in the pool and hot tub. It was just this past weekend that Cody finally turned down the heat. Now the kids head back to indoor swimming lessons and train for the adventures next summer will bring.

Let's catch up:
- So we've opened and pretty much closed the pool.
- The kids swimming is amazing. And they've become terrific snorkelers as well.
- We've made it through first day school jitters and are steadily seeing happy and social kiddos.
- I joined the PSSC - Parent School Support Committee.
- I got a job and I started that job!
- Elliott started gymnastics.
- Kate started a dance class.
- Cody is under 177 pounds - woohoo!
- Kate and Elliott are doing and loving homework. I'm making up more work because they're blowing through it so quickly.
- Kate's reading is coming along in leaps and bounds. It's the most beautiful progress I've ever witnessed.

 My best besties (awaiting sod).

 My best besties being the best.

 Ze pool.

 Ze babies having the time of their lives.

 First day of Grade 1.

 Elliott's first day of Kindergarten (two days later).

 Ms. Muscles our under water explorer.

Two thumbs up from Mr. Jr. Jorgensen showing off his excellence in behaviour award.

Tomorrow marks the kids' first Terry Fox Run. A few tears were shed from Cody and me explaining the beauty of that man and the celebration that they'll be taking part of tomorrow. Do us proud guys.

See you later September. Hello October.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

first day photos

If you've been on Facebook lately you've probably seen a plethora of First Day of School photos. Those cute tanned faces in new shoes and gear. If you haven't ... maybe it's because you're in the East. WTF? Why are our kids not back in the school with the rest of this country's kids? I'm ready. My kids are ready.  We are exhausted. We are broke. We have exhausted the parks, pools, splash pads and attractions. We are starting to drink in the afternoons. Yes, by we, I mean me. 

Look at these nutters I went on the Tilt of Whirl with. Good fun!

Lydia and Elliott flying high in Kensington PEI.

Our annual visit to Butterfly World. Cody's first. It was Elliott's birthday and it was a blast - water bumper boats, ball pits and go-karts.

One huge marshmallow roast at the conclusion of Kate's week at Camp Centennial.

Camp Centennial's munchkin group.  Their ski for the parent night was a sweet take on Annie's - It's a Hard Knock Life.
Our camper butterfly having the night of her life. Elliott eating marshmallows.

Cody's team placed second at a CrossFit team competition this August.

A very large Quahog find at a new-to-us NB beach.

The kids flying high at a friend's pool. 

An artistic moment brought to you by me and Elliott.

Another afternoon and another park.

Last but not least - the kids practicing their intro ramp courtesy of Papa. They're already dreaming of bigger and better jumps to come.

And on the pool news front. We are close. Very close. I'm talking days away close. Tomorrow sod and electrician. Friday pool liner and water trucks. Yes I said water trucks.  Oh hooray! I have enjoyed our trades' people and professionals but as with any large project I'm ready for them to go be with their own families. I do hate closing the blind when I need to pee.

I'll post the final product when it is indeed final.

Cheers to all. Yes, I do have a wine glass in my left hand as I doggedly type with my right.