Saturday, March 30, 2013

the post

We all love receiving mail don't we? Kate and Elliott are wise to the wonders that parcels and thick envelopes with their names on them contain. Yesterday, just in time for an Easter long weekend, one of those magical manilla envelopes arrived.

Singing Easter cards, chocolate eggs and Finding Nemo - that pretty much covers off all of a child's senses. It's been 18 hours and they're still loving their loot. A big thank you Grandma Sherri and Grandpa George; the eggs were an appetizer for dinner yesterday and a dessert for breakfast this morning. Perfection.

The dance of joy begins.

Ooooh fish.

Let's get busy.

And they're down. 

We have a weekend of festivities planned, stay tuned. CAKE

Thursday, March 28, 2013


We tackled our second annual egg colouring this afternoon. Year over year I cannot believe the improvement. I remember last year to be a blood boiling affair, today on the other hand was awesome. Elliott wasn't into colouring the eggs with crayons but did he ever take the dyeing of them seriously.  Kate was very serious about her art and she didn't seem to notice that Elliott coloured over 2/3s of them while she worked diligently with her crayons.

 Watching the colour tabs dissolve.

A chemical reaction causes quite a reaction with the little people.

Our busy bunny.

Skin seemed the proper attire for this activity.

L'art de l'oeuf.

Hoppy Easter y'all.

Monday, March 18, 2013

signs of spring

Well we made it to mid-March before the first major illness in the family. Kate has a tasty cold. This morning she asked if she would cough forever. It's been three days but it does feel like forever. Too bad because she doesn't have the steam to enjoy the warmer weather. It's official, we're  seeing some major signs of Spring around these parts. A storm is forecast for Tuesday but for now we're enjoying seeing some soil, the longer days and breaking in our new rubber boots and umbrellas.

To those that it applies to a very happy St. Patrick's Day and a very happy 40th birthday to my friend Becky. I can't wait to celebrate in person in 26 days. 
Love, Aimee

Thursday, March 14, 2013

my man's best friend

It's taken me a week to get up the nerve to write this good bye but it's due. Last week we had a very unfortunate accident and our little Finnegan got hit by Cody's truck while doing a yard check. Unfortunately we had to put Finn down. It was very painful and sad - most of the weight falling on Cody. I think it's safe to say that they were truly best friends: Finnegan was Cody's loyal shadow.

I'm pretty sure Kate grasps the concept that dead is dead but Elliott seems to still be expecting his dowgy to arrive each night with Papa. Either way I know they, like us and the Terra Nova gang, miss him, his kisses and his unwavering loyalty and love.

We miss you buddy. All our love, CAKE

Friday, March 8, 2013

five years

We like rocking out to Mo Kenney's version, of David Bowie's Five Years. Normally Elliott really gets going, I managed to capture a little, but he's not quite himself these past days. Tuesday morning, moments before the arrival of our play date companions, he had a big fall and injured his foot. We went for X-rays yesterday and got the all clear as far as broken bones are concerned but he's just starting to walk again on it.  So it's been a fairly house bound March break for our little Kate. We're making the most of it which for this afternoon included face painting and a dance off.

Let's hope the news guy was wrong and we have a few more, than five years to enjoy and develop these moves. 


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

ice princess(es)

Well the kids tried something new this weekend. Not because we wanted to, but because my sweet, generous, patient, sister-in-law Candace wanted them to. Ice skating: the Canadian classic, that until this weekend, I had the good sense to avoid. Trust your instincts. Unfortunately for Candace, she doesn't have my instincts, and so spent Sunday morning finding/borrowing skates and helmets for my two darlings.

They talked a good game, there was even mention of Kate skating as Cinderella on Ice. All that tough talk came to a halt as we hit the ice. Or in Elliott's case, when he hit the arena. I suffer from a little agoraphobia and I suspect after Elliott's tearful display that he may as well. The arena space and sound totally overwhelmed him and he was a puddle in Uncle Paul's arms. Kate on the other hand, hit the ice with a smile. But then began the struggle. I say struggle but to be fair, she wasn't exactly trying. Thank goodness for Aunty and her strong back. And with all that said, things were pretty good until the inevitable, hard fall on the butt.

I believe shortly afterwards back in the locker room, Kate said she was going to "wreck her skaters" and that she didn't like skating, "because (she could) not skate."

Elliott never did hit the ice.

I do thank Aunty and Uncle for their optimistic outlooks. I thank Lydia and Carter for their patience as they were a little ignored during the Jorgensen drama.

The kids and I had a stellar weekend on the island. The kids had a sleepover with the cousins and another with Grammie. We visited Meem and Pap and touched every single breakable thing in their beautiful home. We swam at the wonderful Summerside pool and I got the pleasure of watching my brother-in-law Paul wretch and dry heave while trying to watch JackAss 3. I honestly haven't laughed so much in a long time.

One smile, two smiles, three smiles.


 One down.

 Two down.

Three down.


Zoom in on this one. Is it me or does Candace look to be swearing under her breath?

We love you all.