Friday, March 8, 2013

five years

We like rocking out to Mo Kenney's version, of David Bowie's Five Years. Normally Elliott really gets going, I managed to capture a little, but he's not quite himself these past days. Tuesday morning, moments before the arrival of our play date companions, he had a big fall and injured his foot. We went for X-rays yesterday and got the all clear as far as broken bones are concerned but he's just starting to walk again on it.  So it's been a fairly house bound March break for our little Kate. We're making the most of it which for this afternoon included face painting and a dance off.

Let's hope the news guy was wrong and we have a few more, than five years to enjoy and develop these moves. 


1 comment:

  1. She has some awesome dance moves! I bet you're glad she wears panties :)
