Saturday, January 2, 2016

celebrating what you want to see more of

For the first time in a long time Cody and I chose to ring in the New Year not with a hang over - rather in the charming company of our genetic prodigy.  As always it is so sweet to see something new in the eyes of the kids. Thus motivated our choice to start our evening at the local Japanese Hibachi Grill. We were confident that the kids would have a few laughs and smiles at the antics of the grill guys and they did not disappoint. It was a great start to a family night and a nice way to sign off 2015. 

Playing with fire never fails to entertain.

Then a little later on...

 Photos like this make my blog worth it.

 We're not sure where Elliott's hip hop moves busted out of - but we welcome them.

 Ringing in the New Year in style at 7:30.

 Me and my mentals.

Can you believe the lady in the middle had one beverage the whole night?

Game 1 - Mama down, leaving Cody to face some fierce Twister opposition.

 Game 2 - Rockin' it old school with a Tidily Winks.

 Game 3 - A tear jerker called Jenga. Poor Elliott is not the best when it comes to looooosing.

 Celebrating the girls Jenga win with an impromptu butt-bopping dance party.

Aaah 2016 - welcoming the first day in the first month of a new year with a hot cuppa and a big smile. Cheers to you Elliott; you rarely fail to make us smile.

So 2015, what did you teach us? One major take away for me is that as our family ages I would say Kate and Elliott need us more now than ever but in completely new ways. Primarily as good listeners.

To think about the world outside our warm family home is something that sets Cody and I at great dis-ease. If I was a person who prayed I know there would be much peace and improved environmental protection, health for the population and ethical governance to pray for. It overwhelms me as a person but much more so as a mother.

So... be the change that you wish to see in the world. Even that seems overwhelming. Change to living off the grid, raising chickens, cattle, a few pigs and a some good healthy seeds is intimidating versus the pure comfort of central air and the local grocer. OK. Shut up Aimee.

Keeping it a simpler start to 2016 - I wish my family and friends true health, thoughtfulness, energy, kindness, clarity and good sleep. We are all so fortunate. How long can it last? Ooops, I did it again. (copyright Brit Spears)

Much love - Aimee and the CAKE

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