Thursday, December 29, 2011

ho ho holiday

I didn't have the camera on hand for much of Christmas so only have a few random videos and photos to share. 

Playing in aka eating the snow on Christmas Eve.

Elliott's favourite word/sign for 2011 - "more".

Christmas day dance off - love all the lights of the season.

 Ready set go.
My Betty Crocker Christmas.

The Boxing Day blondes.

Me trying out Carter and Lydia's four-wheeler.

What toy can compete with snow?

I don't want to get too sentimental but I do have many hopes for the New Year. I intend on using the last few days of 2011 to reminisce and plan for the next 365. What do you plan to do? What to do you plan to do different?
All my love. Aimee

once upon a time

Well the season has come to a close and I am again behind in blogging. The tree and stockings came down yesterday and as if on cue the snow too is all gone. We have many new toys and much yet to rediscover from the big day(s).  For the most part Elliott was uninterested but Kate, though overwhelmed enjoyed herself, her cousins, grandparents and goodies - sugar and gifts.

There were a few themes this year - sparkles, lights, Cinderella, or in the case above, a combination of the three.

I only have a minute but will soon follow up with a few more photos and likely a video or two.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

dear santa take 2

Dear Santa,
Please note this is my Mama typing as I am only two, quickly going on three or is it thirteen? Anyway Santa, my Mama and Papa overheard a new Santa request today while I was Skyping with Grampie. I would now like an ipod. A blue one.  If you're like my Papa and want to know what I plan on doing with it well I'm going to turn it on. What then? Well I'll turn it off.

Yours truly,
Kate Bronwyn Jorgensen

P.S. I would like to know if you're going to pick up my puppy while you're here. Oh and my apologies for being the ONLY child at my school today who would not sit on your lap and thus being the ONLY child to NOT receive a candy cane. Tough break for me. Mama and Papa see a few of those in my future.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Today's Christmas activity? Baking. It was actually the first time Kate and I baked together. After today's activity I could see Ritalin in our future.  I tried to keep telling myself she's only 3-ish. She's only 3-ish. I can say she is a very committed cookie eater if not a baker/decorator.

 Decked out; ready to go.


 Kate is very generous when it comes to sparkles.

This is a shot of Kate using her fingers to pick up the cookies in order to put them on the spatula and then in to  the cookie jar.

 Ta Da!

Six sleeps and much love to all.  The Sugar Cookie Gals.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Our baby daddy

It's a boy for our boy.  I wish I could say that no animals were harmed in the making of this video but I'm not positive. I do know for sure that Finnegan is going to be a tougher dog as a result of growing up with Elliott. And that both Kate and Elliott are going to be tougher kids for growing up with Finnegan. Each gets their knocks in but also their cuddles and in this case their turn in the stroller.

Cheers - aj

Thursday, December 15, 2011

our house

Kate got busy decorating her first gingerbread house today. I'm afraid to say she was more interested in eating the treats than decorating the house. I had to bribe her with one mega treat if she could make it to the end of the craft without contracting diabetes. All in all it was pretty fun and even successful. Check it out.

 It's a icy day in our little place.

 Can you spot Kate's two snowmen faces on the roof?

So I honestly did my best NOT to art direct my little lady the same could not be said of our photo shoot. She wanted to ensure that I capture this exact spot of icing.

It's feeling a lot like Christmas. aj

Monday, December 12, 2011

introducing finnegan sparkles jorgensen

Before you say anything or silently judge, please know that we realize our track record with four legged friends is not great. With that said, we felt like the time was right for our family. OK enough explaining. Here is the newest addition to our family...

Finnegan Sparkles Jorgensen. A nod to our old CBC friend and a nod to Sparkles - Kate's favourite accessory. He's 10 weeks and a pug terrier cross. Oh and he's quite a doll.

 The kennel became a quick favourite with the kiddies.

Mama Kate and her baby, that sometimes goes by the name of Buzz Lightyear. Kate will sit for hours like this, holding her baby and feeding him a bone.

Last night we let the two hooligans fall asleep together. It's love.

Elliott also loves Finnegan. It's a rougher sort of love though - think headlock with a French kiss. Elliott is really the reason Cody went looking for a dog. When in Calgary and Mexico Elliott had dogs everywhere and he has become dog crazy.

It's been a busy week with Finnegan, but a fun one. He's crazy about the kids - following them everywhere. Then when they hit the sack he's pooped. Perfect!

So that's the big news.
Cheers! aj

Sunday, December 11, 2011

playing catch up

First of all, I know this entry is way past due but I'm feeling crazy busy.  We got home late Tuesday night and it feels like we've been running around nutty since. We're a week behind in Christmas prep oh and there is a literal mountain of laundry on my bed that moves to the floor each night.

A quick synopsis of our trip South. Kate had a wonderful time with her cousins, Aunts and Grandparents. Elliott - he had a rougher trip. He got sick, didn't sleep much, wasn't a huge fan of swimming or the beach or at least not the sand in his eyes. We've decided he was a little young. We adults had great food, great margaritas and just perfect sunny warm weather.

Staying in El Nogalito a little village outside of Puerto Vallarta made for a fun and authentic visit. The chickens, dogs and our adopted cat Annabelle were the highlights for the kids. And my cousin Olivia's kids Elizabeth and Noah were master lizard and crab hunters by the end of their visit.

A couple pics...
 Grandpa George calling for more tequila!

 My babies in the womb of the hammock.

 My girl and me pool side.

 Kate and her crazy cousins Elizabeth and Noah.

Grandma Sherri saving Elliott from the treacherous cliffs of a local restaurant/master margarita maker. Literally I went there twice, had a margarita each time and had to go home and pass out for an hour each time.  Thank goodness for Grandparents with higher alcohol tolerances!

Thanks to all my family who helped in so many ways these past few weeks. I couldn't have done it without you. Looking forward to future, simpler vacations with older kids. Disney Cruise anyone?

Now for Christmas in Moncton...

I really thought this was the year that Kate would be into decorating the tree with me. She was very interested in the decorations but sported each shiny ornament as a bracelet. It was tough I would put an ornament on the tree and a second later she had it off and part of her collection.  The ones that were lower and too dull for Kate, Elliott quickly possessed. Anyway the tree is now decorated - at least the mid and top sections. It's beautiful and the kids are in awe of it each morning as am I. Some things never get old.

Kate is slowly warming to the idea of this guy named Santa Clause. We've been reading The Night Before Christmas and she received a video message from Santa last night that she is taken with.  She has watched it several times and has subsequently had several questions about the logistics of the evening.

Okay so there's a quick update. More news to follow very soon.
Happy Holiday planning and prepping!
xoxo CAKE