Tuesday, December 20, 2011

dear santa take 2

Dear Santa,
Please note this is my Mama typing as I am only two, quickly going on three or is it thirteen? Anyway Santa, my Mama and Papa overheard a new Santa request today while I was Skyping with Grampie. I would now like an ipod. A blue one.  If you're like my Papa and want to know what I plan on doing with it well I'm going to turn it on. What then? Well I'll turn it off.

Yours truly,
Kate Bronwyn Jorgensen

P.S. I would like to know if you're going to pick up my puppy while you're here. Oh and my apologies for being the ONLY child at my school today who would not sit on your lap and thus being the ONLY child to NOT receive a candy cane. Tough break for me. Mama and Papa see a few of those in my future.

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