Sunday, December 11, 2011

playing catch up

First of all, I know this entry is way past due but I'm feeling crazy busy.  We got home late Tuesday night and it feels like we've been running around nutty since. We're a week behind in Christmas prep oh and there is a literal mountain of laundry on my bed that moves to the floor each night.

A quick synopsis of our trip South. Kate had a wonderful time with her cousins, Aunts and Grandparents. Elliott - he had a rougher trip. He got sick, didn't sleep much, wasn't a huge fan of swimming or the beach or at least not the sand in his eyes. We've decided he was a little young. We adults had great food, great margaritas and just perfect sunny warm weather.

Staying in El Nogalito a little village outside of Puerto Vallarta made for a fun and authentic visit. The chickens, dogs and our adopted cat Annabelle were the highlights for the kids. And my cousin Olivia's kids Elizabeth and Noah were master lizard and crab hunters by the end of their visit.

A couple pics...
 Grandpa George calling for more tequila!

 My babies in the womb of the hammock.

 My girl and me pool side.

 Kate and her crazy cousins Elizabeth and Noah.

Grandma Sherri saving Elliott from the treacherous cliffs of a local restaurant/master margarita maker. Literally I went there twice, had a margarita each time and had to go home and pass out for an hour each time.  Thank goodness for Grandparents with higher alcohol tolerances!

Thanks to all my family who helped in so many ways these past few weeks. I couldn't have done it without you. Looking forward to future, simpler vacations with older kids. Disney Cruise anyone?

Now for Christmas in Moncton...

I really thought this was the year that Kate would be into decorating the tree with me. She was very interested in the decorations but sported each shiny ornament as a bracelet. It was tough I would put an ornament on the tree and a second later she had it off and part of her collection.  The ones that were lower and too dull for Kate, Elliott quickly possessed. Anyway the tree is now decorated - at least the mid and top sections. It's beautiful and the kids are in awe of it each morning as am I. Some things never get old.

Kate is slowly warming to the idea of this guy named Santa Clause. We've been reading The Night Before Christmas and she received a video message from Santa last night that she is taken with.  She has watched it several times and has subsequently had several questions about the logistics of the evening.

Okay so there's a quick update. More news to follow very soon.
Happy Holiday planning and prepping!
xoxo CAKE

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