Friday, January 3, 2014

a new year

2013 was a pretty great year. No complaints from me. As I write this my big kids are happily playing fort on the coffee table. I would say that's been the biggest development of the past year. There are officially no traces left of baby in this house and only a little bit of toddler. The two of them are fast becoming great playmates, more independent and even helpful. I love big-ish kids.

Cody and I rang in the New Year with some very charming company. A bunch of CrossFit crazed guys and their lovely, much more humble wives. We had dinner, drinks and even danced the night away. For the first time in many years we actually made it to the drop of the ball. Kate and Elliott on the other hand had a special night with their old babysitter (home from Uni) complete with lemonade and caramel corn. Life is on a bit of an upswing.

Big plans for the start of 2014. We're going to finally take the kids skiing. Kate's continuing to learn to read and grow her hair. Elliott's going to try destroying fewer of our possessions. Cody's learning French and participating in a weight loss challenge with above-mentioned CrossFit crazed friends. I'm going to take this family closer to Paleo living, learn to rug hook, do three consecutive strict pull ups and learn to do double unders (skipping). Wish us luck!

So happy New Year everyone. To our friends and family in the West, the kids and I are planning on travelling to see you all near the end of February.

Laughter & Cheer
xo The Jorgensens

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