Thursday, January 9, 2014

snow shoes

Last Sunday, Cody talked us three lazies into hitting the trail on our first official family snow shoeing adventure. I use the term adventure loosely as the sum total distance covered was roughly one kilometer. But as Cody pointed out, their legs have to work much harder than ours. In order to keep their shoes apart they basically travel in a semi-squat. 

Besides the fact that Cody and I were lamenting not being able to carry on for hours, I have to say it was super fun. The kids were in the grand spirits that only the great outdoors can inspire. 

Our hard working little people. 

Just before the half way mark Elliott was losing steam and looking for a little refreshment.

In other news, the kids are adjusting to being back into school routines. Yesterday when I picked Kate up she looked beat. When asked how her day was, she replied, "Good. But I forgot what a long day school is." Break my heart. And then this morning Elliott wept into his yoghurt and granola when I mentioned it was a school day. Kate's response, "Oh brother, he's crying again!"

On our drive home from school today Elliott earnestly asked, "Mama, is this a race car?" Of course I answered affirmative. His next request is that I speed up and "pass that guy". Then it was the next and then the next. As we neared a stop sign another car was in front of us and in all seriousness he was devastated that we ultimately lost: "We are losers!"  Man I can't wait until I'm trusting you to drive me around town once I'm deemed unsafe for the roads.

Last story. I was on my way downstairs after blow drying my hair (in other words Elliott had been unsupervised for a few minutes) when I noticed a beer on the stairs. I picked it up confused - it was cold. Elliott saw this and he informed, "Oh I put that there. I got it from the fridge to drink but I couldn't open it."  It feels like we already live with a teenager.

That's the news from here.

Hope everyone is staying warm. The CBC reported yesterday that parts of Australia were roughly 100 degrees warmer than parts of Canada.


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