Wednesday, November 11, 2009

november 11th

Our routine is pretty set here in Riverview so not a lot to report. I keep hoping one morning I'll wake to announce a tooth, a crawling daughter or a baby who sleeps longer than a 5 hour stretch, alas, to date, I wish in vain.

There is no doubt that Kate is busier and more agile. The other day I left her sitting nicely playing and then came back to find this...

She basically laid back and then did a backwards roll over the wall and into her old play gym. It was quite a feat for her.

She's gotten the hang of a few toys too. With her baby she always tells long stories and holds or chews on her little hand.

She's also been busy humming and shouting into the new microphone that her Aunty Candy bought her for Halloween. To her credit she usually knows which end to talk into.

She's also trying to figure out how to stand on her own. Grandma Donna bought her this little table last week and she has figured out how to get to her knees and work at the activities.

But for the most part she seems to be taking after her Pappa...

Chilling out to Coronation Street.

And goodness knows she would love to give his eastern diet a try too. For those of you who have no idea what you are looking at - there is a hamburger between those slices of white, gravy-covered bread.

As an update on our classes, swimming is going great. Kate loves it and doesn't mind being dunked once each class. We have only one more music class but we're going to sign up for some more. She's discovered music and is always bopping to a little beat. She's also a heck of a drummer and little shaker. I believe in the music business these skills are the equivalent of most groupies. Awesome.

On a completely different note, my Dad goes for knee surgery tomorrow. Dad, I want you to know I'm thinking of you and wishing you the best in the procedure and your healing. I can't wait to see, hug and kiss you in just over two weeks.

And on a final note, it is Remembrance Day and not to get political or cliche but I want to recognize the people who are in active duty for this, our beautiful Canada. As a mother all I can think of is that each person is someone's baby and it pains my heart to think of them in harm's way. To our veteran Melissa, Norm's smart, strong and beautiful daughter, a special shout out to you and your friends.

Peace and love, Aimee

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