Kate's sick and I'm tired. She has a terrible cold and is dripping everywhere. Oh and she has a hate on for me and anything I try to do for her. I'm hoping she's doing a lot better before we have to board that plane on Friday.
Complaining out of the way, we wanted to wish Grandma Janice a very happy Birthday today! We're blowing you kisses. They're infectious but the thought is there.
Also celebrating a Birthday today is Aunt Darla. Happy happy birthday to you.
I was planning a party but Kate was not in the mood. So we had a pajama party instead - in both your honours.
I hope your days are better than ours! xoxo
ohhh, she looks so bad but SO cute in those p.j.'s! If she's not better you'd be well advised to go to the pharmacy / doctor for some flight advice... good good luck! We can't wait for our infectious kisses...