Friday, September 5, 2014

casa and the big k

Well I gotta Casa kid and Kindergartener these days. And they are happy. After a wonderful summer break the kids were all smiles to head out Tuesday morning. I on the other hand had to fight some first day traffic anxiety as there were kids, parents, double parked, single lanes and construction everywhere.   Alas, we did make it to the kids' new, remote school location - on time even.

 K kid.

 Casa kid.

 We battled some ugly first day traffic and are ready to go see the new digs.

 A hard good bye is quickly turned a ound with some good old home made Play Doh and Miss Isla (behind Elliott rubbing her prized blanket on his neck - oh my!).

A minute in and Kate's getting down to business. 

The woods that completely surround the new school location. A glorious setting for some good learning.

Today (being day #3) I enjoyed a rare glimpse at the real joys of Montessori work. I arrived over a half an hour early for pick up, hoping that I could do some inconspicuous observing. And wouldn't you know it Elliott was deep at thought/work on a colour matching exercise. The beauty being that three children and Miss Amanda sat around his activity and were just quietly watching him work. He finished just as a fellow student announced "Elliott your Mom's here." But instead of him running out to me he wanted me to celebrate his accomplishment. So sweet and so wonderful. He seems to be thriving this year and we're only days in.  Yesterday on our walk with the dog he went around "Mmmm-ing" everything that started with M or as he calls it "a straight line down and then hump hump."  Way to go Miss Amanda! This boy is engaged.

Kate seems to be doing well too. She has a lot of new faces in her classroom and so far she's not sharing nearly what her brother is. All I have to go on is a hand drawn treasure map and a princess beside a tower to show for her three days!

In the meantime I have scrubbed my home from top to bottom, cleaned up the yard, hit Costco without having to two of every single sample and de-cluttered their toys and clothes. Shocking what one can accomplish in a day! I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm dying to pick them up each day.

A happy first day to Carter and Lydia and of course Paul and Candace. We look forward to trading stories this Sunday.

I also wish Cody, Paul and Janice a safe and fun final leg to their bike journey tomorrow.

Talk to y'all soon.
aj aka the empty nester

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