Sunday, September 28, 2014

absolutely autumn

The kids had no school Friday so it was a great chance to enjoy the hot autumn weather and beautiful colours at the Green Pig Market. We spent hours racing, climbing and rearranging pumpkin displays. Like their Mama, the kids love pumpkins and spent many careful moments picking their favourite gourds to bring home.
 While I picked and loaded pumpkins, the kids made themselves at home.

 Marching off to the corn mazes.

What a novelty, picking corn right from the stalks.

 Getting busy through the mazes.

 Kate was completely enamored with the dried out corn of cobs that she picked.

 Mustache man.

What a sister. Here she is trying to boost Elliott up the final bale moments before she reconsidered her helpful disposition and nearly pushed him off the tower. She certainly got his attention.

Autumn enjoyment will continue today with a hike and then tomorrow picking apples. Maybe I'll even try my hand at cider making. Mmm

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