Sunday, September 14, 2014

our island family

Last Sunday we spent a lovely sunny day surrounded by all of Cody's family: cousins, grandparents, uncles, aunts and a pile of little babies. It was so lovely to see the Biggar girls' families who were home from Whitehorse and Rocky Mountain House. There is nothing better than a day filled with family, Pap's mussels and Donna's seafood chowder. Merci!

My baby who in that crowd was one of the big kids.

 Avery - the natural born driver.

 A little tough to see but those are all our kids enjoying someone else's farm life.

 A muscle head eating some mussels.

Lovely ladies.

 Little Albertan Anna.

 The battery died so the Biggar girls' girls were running on my horse power.

Cody's cousin Josh and his babies - Hudson and Peyton.

 Great grandchildren (plus Noah).

The Grandkids.

Here's to many more family day gatherings!
Lots of love to all,

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