Thursday, October 2, 2014

who the heck?

For a good year we have admired and carefully watched how Kate has developed as an artist and consummate crafter. Elliott on the other hand, what can we say? Hmm - less interested, less talented, certainly less patient. And then like the changing of the leaves Elliott also changed. Evolved perhaps? Now, he sits literally for hours pouring over colouring books and bringing those pictures to life.  I spoke to his teacher yesterday and she says that she too noticed a huge change in the last two weeks. He's now diligent with his colouring and drawing and stays working until completion. Monday he came home from school painted four pictures and then spent the rest of the night colouring and drawing. What the heck? It's a thing of beauty. On top of it all, did I humbly mention? He's pretty awesome.

Check it out...
Autumn colours.

 Monday night hard at work.

Not to be outdone by her brother, Kate's busy perfecting her use of the hot glue gun while making a hairband for a friend.

Winter is a comin' and we're ready to hunker down and do some serious creating. The only issue - what to do with it all!


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