Sunday, October 19, 2014

the week's end

Given the Thanksgiving break Monday, it was a fast, quiet week. Tuesday, Cody and I had a special day with Elliott; I think he was worn out from the weekend and requested to stay home. Thursday, we pulled Kate out of school for her own special day. They were both lovely. Kate was so quiet and agreeable. Elliott in contrast was sort of bossy and never stopped his chatter.

This week also marked 2015 Kindergarten registration. It's official Elliott and Kate will be making the move to our local elementary school September 2015.  In a month's time Elliott will go for his pre-K assessment. There's nothing like that first visit to the school that will be home to them for their formative years!

Today is cool and overcast. The kids have been outside for hours, busy as only small children can be.  As always, they have explored every inch of our yard, destroyed Cody's garage, squished this morning's crop of mushrooms and invented new devices and worlds. What a magical time in their lives.

 Kate's zipline for her teddy.

 A friend of ours built his kids a zip in their side yard - Kate was certainly inspired.

Ninja and his prey.

 The softer side of Ninja - the worm was spared.

Wishing all our friends and family a pleasant weekend raking and taking in the fresh air.
Love, CAKE

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