Saturday, October 11, 2014

i would prefer cider

Apple orchard with the Best family - take two. It seems apple picking is the thing to do if you're a family in New Brunswick. It took me five years to discover this, but discover it I have.  A couple weeks ago we gave it a go only to face a three hour wait to even buy a bag to fill, then a second line to access a tractor to take you to the sanctioned area of the orchard that was ripe for picking. Being the patient people that we are, we quickly broke our childrens' hearts, hit the gift shop for maple sugar suckers and a few boozey apple cider. Today we gave it another go and wouldn't you know it, a couple short lines then an uneventful wagon ride and we were in the orchard picking Macintoshes to our hearts content. Well...  until the first child's tears, then the second and then the third. You can imagine. I found great solace in the incredible feeling of crushing fallen apples (or skulls if you will) under me boots. Cheap therapy, but effective.

It wasn't all bad. In fact it was pretty great. Take a peek.

 Our five kids running with abandon up and down a series of circular bales.

 Action shot two.

 Action shot three.

 Our tough guys hand in hand boarding the wagon.

 Alex updating his FB status. to be fair, we were now "in" the orchard.

 Papa and E.

 Up a ladder feeling the love.

 All the fallen children.

 My baby swingin with soulful abandon.

 JB (did you pay for that?)

A smug mug.

 A chipmunk storing her nuts.

Look at these five. What a shot. What love.

I may complain about those five a little or perhaps a lot but I do love them and bearing witness to the friendships they are forging. Happy apple day. Wish Julie and I luck as we try our hand at transforming these Macs into some pie.

CAKE or pie

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