Sunday, August 18, 2013

halifax heart attacks

The kids and I hit Halifax for the day yesterday. The change of scenery was good, but the harbour front is not a place that you can just sit back and watch your kids go. I swear I aged another full year watching the kids explore the attractions and play areas.

Now it's your turn. (With that said, these photos and videos don't do the hazards justice).

A Crossfit inspired first activity - dragging an anchor chain around a gravel pit. 

Which child to protect? Ah forget it - I'm going to choose to capture the conundrum instead.

Now for a new adventure on board the HMCS Sackville.

Yes let's climb.
The highlight of Elliott's day: "The spooky Captain and his bed. Do you know the Captain reads books? We saw him, but we didn't touch him because he was too spooky. They had toilets"

A cool classic - King George and Queen Elizabeth.

 Captain Elliott steering the ship.

Kate and Elliott catchin' the big wave.

Elliott completely chillin' on the big wave.

The kids' first attempt up the steep side. 

And down she comes. 

I finally captured one of Elliott's descents.

 I guess this sign was too subtle.

Not that I'm counting but anyone know when school starts? I'm exhausted. 
xo AJ

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