Tuesday, August 13, 2013

uno dos tres

The Jorgensens are officially done with the terrible twos. We are now the proud owners of one, three year old and a four and a half year old. Elliott's true birthday is on the 14th but we celebrated yesterday with eleven little people and their lovely parents, not to mention Grammie Donna, Grammie Janice and Grampie Paul.

With the aid of my trusty assistants: Cody and Candace, we transformed the house into a construction site Saturday night. When he woke Sunday, Elliott just kept saying "It's fun. It's so fun." Most of the decor remains as Elliott expressed some major concerns when he saw me paring them down post-party.

Elliott, you are a heck of a guy, you are kind, cuddly, rough and bossy. You keep me on my toes and you keep me humble. Like our whole neighbourhood, we love watching you grow, explore and can't wait to see the trouble you will continue to get up to. Happy Birthday Buddy.

Our site...

Now for the crew...

 Our birthday boy.

Lunch break.

A busy lunch table.

 Gift time.

The big hit of the day.

 Now for the singing.

 A beautiful smile from Lydia.

 Grammie and her boy.

Our honorary game... Pin the Nail on the Hammer.

 Hannah's up... this is prior to the cheating.

 Carter's turn... no cheating here, he was going straight for Terry.

 Last but not least the cheating Lydia.

A quite moment between Leo, Lise and Lydia.

Thanks to everyone who made Elliott feel so special and loved yesterday. And just to let you all know, he's having the time of his life with his new toys.

A slice of CAKE

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