Monday, August 5, 2013

au revoir aidan

Our visit with Aidan came to an end today when he flew solo to his sister Melissa's house in Ottawa. Aidan we already miss you but hope Jacob is easier on you than Elliott. Perhaps he'll even share his toys.

We have been super duper busy with our Western guests. We haven't been taking a lot of pics but here  is a peek from one of our outings to Fundy park...

Rhonda was enthralled with the horizons melting to one.

Aunty Rhonda and me.

Aidan was so brave and went zip lining at Cape Enrage.

First zip of three - complete.

Trekking down to the fossil beach.

I made it in a photo with my kids.

Our big guy.

Sticky buns for the gang in Alma.

We have two more days with Aunty Rhonda - and boy are we are spoiled! Aunty has been such a good cook, barista and a great bed time reader. Hopefully we can make a few more memories yet.

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