Thursday, August 15, 2013

three years old and all grown up

Today is officially Elliott's third birthday or the third anniversary of me giving birth for the second and final time.

So how did we choose to celebrate?

With an inaugural visit to the Dentist. The Dentist's office actually called last night to remind me that Kate  had an appointment today. An appointment her Papa must have made because he took her kicking and screaming last time (remember the third attempt at a first visit) and only a Papa would book a six month follow up on her brother's birthday and not notice or mark it on the calendar.

I digress.

Elliott seemed thrilled to be attending Kate's visit but disappointed he didn't get his own exam. So a half hour before our appointment I called and asked if they could book us in. Success! The first of several. Kate was perfect. She used her best listening ears and took it all in stride. Then Elliott just jumped right up - no problems. Yahoo! I'm so happy for both of them. I think they were both pretty pleased with their big kid status. Elliott cannot wait for his next visit because "it was so fun" and he got some tooth floss. Yum. Yum.

 The pink crocs are up first.

Followed soon after by the black.

A special shout out to Sophie the dental assistant. You are awesome.

A final happy birthday to our Elliott. Three is going to bring about so many firsts. Here's to continuing to handle them with growing maturity. Cheers!


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